Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Burpees in SLOW motion!

Well, Friday was the end of week 3 and I had a challenge on my hands! Burpees.......I am doing my burpees but they are in SLOW MOTION! I would rather have then in SLOW MOTION than not to be able to do one at all. The first part is faster and the last part, after I hit the "deck"(aka the ground) then my body is stuck there and I generally takes me a few moments to pop up and get my hands up in the air to clap before I'm get ready to "hit the deck" again. "Hit the deck" is a term that Josh uses often.

Just think.....in week #1 I was not even close or trying to think about doing a burpee and NOW...I can do more than 5 in a row! Trust me FitWit is taking me to NEW LEVELS and I'm enjoying the ride, but it takes HARD work! NOTHING comes w/o a PRICE!!!


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