Saturday, August 28, 2010

Family can get you OFF COURSE......

I took a detour and not I am back on course. For the past two weeks, I have had house guest from the Virgin Islands and it has been a difficult time for me to keep up with my fitness goals, entertain, work and be a mother. I have had many challenges with getting to camp! Next week, I am challenging myself to make it 100%! I had some challenges earlier in camp due to the heat, but it seems to be getting cooler. I haven't gained or lost any weight that camp and that STINKS!!! I have been more aware about what I have eaten since Ian's Aunt has cooked dinner EVERY NIGHT! I had to make sure that I monitored the quantity of certain items that she prepared. She likes to cook and bake. The one thing is I am proud that I did not splurge on candy. His Aunt has a sweet tooth and brought candy, chips, cookies ice cream......ALL of the things that I need to stay away from. I told myself from the beginning that it was a TEST and I must PASS! I will admit that I had a taste here and there, but it wasn't like my past. I would get a spoon of ice cream and not a bowl or get the smallest cookie that was baked.

I am ready to get back to work!!!! So many little things have changed for me and I realize that fitness is going to be apart of my life until the Good Lord calls me HOME!! When others don't value something that you are doing or working toward then it is easy to stray away. It was HARD trying to balance out everything, but I have learned and there are few things that I would do differently next time. The most important thing would be coming to camp. I should have made the sacrifice to come in the morning, so I would have had the entire evening open or suggest that they visit when I have a week off. My life had to revolve about fitness for me, because if not then I will go back to habits that I had before.


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