Monday, June 6, 2011


Tonight was my first night back in a LONG time and I managed to live to write about it. It was my favorite exercise......RUNNING the MILE....LOL!! I did not expect the mile my first night back at camp. The negative thoughts were running through my mind and I literally wanted to leave, but I didn't. My time was better than the very first timed mile which took me almost
18 mins. My time tonight was almost 16 mins. I was doing OK on the first two lap and then it started going downhill. My last 3/4 lap was done with other campers joined me and cheered me on to the finish line. They has finished and the ran back to make and offered encouraging words as I was giving out of energy and take short breaths. They encouraged me to control my breathing by taking deeper breaths and getting control. They even sang me a song!!! I don't remember the words, but I know that it was a country song. THIS IS WHAT MAKES FITWIT DIFFERENT!! Support means more than anything and during the times that I wanted to give up they were there pushing me to the end! I am glad to be back and will strive hard to make it to camp. Getting back in the routine is going to be an adjustment considering I have a work function tomorrow and will miss my 2nd night back, but I have decided that I will workout during my lunch hour. I realized that I'm an example for my daughter and I have to teach her habits that will improve her quality of life. Since the death of my father, Diamond has developed several issues and still trying to figure out some of her issues. As a mother, I hate to see her on so much medicine that don't seems to help. One thing that I know and have been told is that she needs to lose weight. I realized that I would be less of a mother is I allowed her to fall into my footsteps. I strive for her to be better than me. Lindsay is working with Diamond in helping to achieve some fitness goals and weight loss. I have set some reachable goals for the both of us as we strive together to reach them. I have removed dairy out diet by 75% ans working on the other 25%. The hardest thing for her to stop eating is cheese, but we have managed and we aer fine. We are just one step to reaching out goal.

I am just EXCITED to be back and know that if I stick to it then I will obtained my goal by the end of the year. I am going on a cruise for my birthday in a few weeks and very excited and will not let those 4 days mess up ALL my hard work prior. I am striving to lose 8-10lbs per month. I stepped on my scale tonight and it was CHEERING me ON!!!! I am headed in the RIGHT DIRECTION again and I just need to stay focused and know that anything that I want is worth HARD WORK with TEARS and SWEAT!!

Thanks 7pm Grant Park for your support in helping me strive to achieve my goals. I NEED your encouragement and for you to PUSH me!!!!

Positive thinking is a MUST!!!


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