Saturday, March 20, 2010

Bring a Friend and Tour of Grant Park

Well, I invited several of my friends that they were not able to join me on Thursday. They MISSED a BLAST!!! I really enjoyed the workout and wish that we would do more. Hint! Hint!
The workout consisted of the "Wheel circuit" which included - Sandbag straight leg deadlift (one leg for vets), Wall Ball, Row/pull ups, barrier jumps, KB push press, jump rope for just 1 min each for 3 rounds. Now, if you have read any of my other blogs then you know that a 1 minute seems longer than that when you get to the 3rd round. It was non stop and I was able to move from one station to next(clockwise..LOL!). I started to struggle just a bit on my pulls ups because my arms were a bit tired, but I was able to hang in there. Then we moved on to do "Card Game". There were 3 cones that were set up and we started off my jogging to the last one, lunging to the next one, high knees to the next then high "A" skip to the last. Once we finished that we picked a card from the bucket and did what coincided with the broad, but we had to do twice the number.
Spade – burpees
Heart – push-ups
Diamond – squats
Club – sit-ups
For example, I picked a 6 of clubs, and I did 12 sit-ups, then 10 of diamond and I did 20 squats. It was a GREAT way to keep moving and to now think about what was coming next, because you didn't know until you picked a card. We did not have teams, but I was still pushing myself to do as many as I was able to do in the allowed time. I have noticed that I can't "think" when I am working out.....I just have to do it!

Friday was a GREAT day to have Tour of Grant Park! I'm not sure if physically I was ready for the tour, but I took it. It put me in a different environment and I was able to have several other challenges. There were more hills that slowed me down and a struggle to keep up with the group. The closer I got to them the farther away they were. When we started on the tour I behind, but Amy was there keeping me going. Toward the end I was dragging behind with 2 other campers and still Amy was right there with us. She gave me lots of word of encouragement and told me how good I was doing and looking. There were several dog walkers that said encouraging things as we worked out. I thought that it was nice for them to see that I was doing hard work and told me to keep it up. I am really enjoying being outside and don't look forward to being inside, especially when jogging in those hallways.

I can't believe that we are into week 5. Time is flying! I am holding on and enjoying every bit of it. I will admit that Friday was a bit harder for me to come. It was nice out and I had so many other things that I wanted to do.....but I realize that FitWit last for 1hour/60 mins and it will help me get to my goal and not going is NOT helping me to reach my goal and will keep me where I am. I am proud to say that I am 100% after 4 weeks and will be 100% this camp.......


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