Thursday, March 4, 2010

Decatur: 4 rounds of what now?

Monday was the first time I have ever left a FitWit workout with my head hung in shame. I was so disappointed in myself that I seriously thought about quitting. It sounds totally melodramatic, but it was the first time I saw a workout and felt that there was nothing in it I could do.

It's Worth the Weight- 3 or 4 rounds for time:
3 laps (400 m run)
30 weighted squats w/KB(s) or bar(s) (only 20 reps for w = 25lb+ and m = 40lb+)
50 weighted walking lunges
200 jump rope singles
10 burpees

All I kept thinking was, I worked so hard to take this weight off my poor body and now you want me to put it back on AND work out with it? But the worst of it was, the jump rope. It's been the only thing to elude me completely (other than being able to do jumping jacks). I just can't do jump rope fast. I lose my count, my coordination, and the shooting pain that goes down the back of my heels when I land. It all adds up to a trying time with the ropes. I finally had to call out for a sub. I know Michelle wanted me to do something with jumping it, but I didn't have the will to finish it. I had to sub out with just plain squats.

I got through the laps, walking, but I got through them. The weighted squats I did okay with, but my knee was screaming by the end of them. The walking lunges, those were a special torture for me. My knees just wanted me to stop. I felt all that extra weight from the bars just pulling me down. I saw exactly how much damage the weight has done to my body with those lunges. My knees, my ankles, me feet... everything hurt. I made it through the 50, but I have to say, I was really slow with them. My form was definitely less than perfect and I had to be stopped more than once by Michelle to correct my stance and how I was holding the weighted bar. It was a struggle. And the jump rope, well, you can imagine how that went. Jam stayed with me and was a good cheerleader, but my knees and feet were just not listening.

By the end of all those exercises, I had to do the beginner burpees. I just had no energy left and I felt so down by then. I was "hitting the wall" at full force. Everything I did just got slower and slower. By the time I got to the beginning of round two I felt like I was walking through molasses. I had no energy and my feet felt like two blocks of cement. Every time Michelle called out the time, I just got slower and slower. I made it through the three laps and got all of two weighted squats in before time was called. I made it exactly 1.1 rounds out of 4.

I felt horrible. I felt like I failed at FitWit for the very first time.

It wasn't until I talked to my fellow FitWitt-ers the next night did I realize how had that workout was. Tena even compared it to Victoria, saying it was her new most disliked workout. And my ever-enthusiastic morning camper buddy, Michelle said it was a tough one for her, too. I still am not terribly proud of how I did on that workout, but I'm no longer desolate about it.

1 comment:

  1. Anda, This week as been a struggle for and I realized after the mile that all the extra weight that I have been on my knees over the years. When I got home, I was barely able to move. I was hurting from head to toe. I am still sore! Keep up the good work and post some more pictures.
