Friday, April 9, 2010

Decatur: End of Camp 2 and Week Off.

I can't believe it's time for camp 2 to be over already. What a wild ride. I made a deal with myself that I wouldn't shop again until camp 2 was over so I could see how far I'd come. But we'll get to that later.

First.... end of camp workout! I had to finish out this camp with the morning crew and let's just say the last workout was one I definitely hadn't done before. Much like the last camp, we finished out with a friendly game. This camp, oh it was a game alright. But it wasn't nearly as friendly. It was tag. Tag with flag football flags around our waists. Two flags ripped off, and you're on the sidelines doing 20 burpees before you can get back in the game.

I realized two very, very important things during our last workout/game.
1. I am NOT ready for the zombie apocalypse. Not at all. I couldn't run to save my life. (Guess what's my goal for camp number three?) I spent more time on the sidelines than anyone else. I have got to learn how to run.

2. I suck at tag. I just don't have the reflexes to grab a flag as someone runs by me. I also discovered that I played the sacrificial lamb a lot. I was sent out to get tagged early while everyone ran behind me to get the flags. (Not a bad strategy, overall.)

In the end, it was how many folks you had on the field at the end of time that won you the tag winner title. And surprise, surprise, it was my team that one. (Once I figured out how to skirt the sidelines so that anyone running at me went out of bounds. See? Slow people can be good at tag, too!) All in all, it was a great workout with lots of movement, but it was super fun, too. For a moment there, you almost forgot you were watching fully grown adults on that football field. I'm pretty sure we had just as much fun as any group of kids.

With the game of tag being over, it signaled the beginning of the wondrous week off. I was really looking forward to some down time on this break. (Last break was spent at home with a kid with pneumonia. No fun.) Unfortunately, that wasn't to be, either. It was a busy, stressful week at work, and I was never so glad to see Monday fast approaching.

But I did manage to get in some shopping before it was time to get back to the work of fitness. I didn't go down any more pant sizes. (So so close, but not quite.) However, this *was* my camp to work on my arms. And what do you know...? I went down an entire shirt size. I'm the very smallest size that plus size has in shirts. That made that whole stressful week off worth it!

So now it's time to get back to work. Decatur has a brand new 7am camp that I get to start out with on Monday. I'm so excited to get back to working out. I really hated that I couldn't find time to fit it in while I was on break. With the new time slot, I'll be able to spend time at night with my family and make us all wonderful dinners that fit into Ben's nutrition plan, too.

I have a feeling, this camp 3 is going to be magical. Just wait and see.

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