I lost 4lbs and I FEEL GREAT! I am SOOOO close to at short term goal that I am taste it! Less than 4lbs and then I really will be JUMPING for JOY! It will be by the end of the month as long keep working. I think that I lost those 4 lbs at the Grant Park workout on Thursday. That hour was the LONGEST hour! Mary Tipton was my partner and a newbie. I am her mentor for this camp. I started off jump roping while Mary Tipton held the medicine ball overhead and went up the steps, lunged and then came back down the stairs. Then together we put our backs almost together and passed the medicine ball from side to side. Then to sit-ups and passed the medicine ball b/w our legs. It was my turn to go up the steps and lunge while she jumped rope. We repeated that several time. Like to run? Well, we ran UP HILL and around the corner to the pavilion. Guess what? I was not the last one! YEA!!! So we get to the pavilion and we are the show for several by standers that are watching us...There was our moment of FAME!! They watched us as we worked out butts off doing dips, abs rocks and step ups. I think that Becka was getting enjoyed as we were dipping sweat. My eyes were burning as the sweat was dripping from head. Then...... Guess what? .........Yep, you guessed right! Running again....UP a HILL then DOWN then UP then DOWN! I was breathing SO HARD.......my shirt was soak and wet and I thought that my body was just going to give out on me. I was huffing and puffing......then I notice that a newbie, Tremaine(sp) was my frat brother. OMG! I told him that I did not know that he was my frat(I'm a Zeta). We belong to the the ONLY constitutional bond brother and sister organization. OK! back to me huffing and puffing and walking in circles with sweat burning my eyes. Then squats holds...Josh was counting so that you know the 10 secs were really 30+.......guess what?.......running....again.....UP the HILL then DOWN the HILL. Mary Tipton did squats while I was running UP the HILL and back DOWN. Then she ran UP the HILL and DOWN.....I just knew that it was 6:55 and it was time to stretch when we going back to the start point. So we are running back and a camper asked Josh who came up this the workout....He said that it was me on one of those late nights with the baby. Erin, Please let him skip those late night diaper changes! I am only kidding. Think twice!..That is what I get for thinking during a FitWit workout. Amy always says to never THINK just WORK! One partner had to go back up the steps and down while the other one did push ups. Think we were done?...NO! Of course not back to sit-ups and passing the medicine ball. Mary Tipton and I ROCKED! We had a heavy ball at one point that we started to drop, so we created our own modification and gave HIGH 5's when we sat up......Then the time finally came and it was time to stretch....the moment that I was waiting for............I think that I dropped those 4lbs in that workout session since I weigh about an hour later. If that workout would bring those results then I vote to do it 3x per week for the rest of the camp....LOL!!!!
By the way, Banana relays are not for me when you are doing jumping jacks and banana is flying everywhere....banana and sisterlocks don't match.....Josh was teasing me about my sisterlocks and we could not mess them up.....See Josh knows me well. I really enjoyed the banana relay and my team was last place, but 6pm campers SAVED THE BEST FOR LAST!!! Way to go Mary Tipton, and Sue!
Off to week #2!
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