Tuesday, September 21, 2010


FitWit is GREAT!!! I have been dealing with issues with my knee and scheduled to see the orthopedic next week. The trainers modified the workouts so that I can still workout and not put stress on my knee. Last night was the 1 mile and then we moved from 4 or 5 stations that were sat up(like the wheel). Even though, I was not able to run, Lindsay still gave me a work with the kettle bells and I was still huffing and puffing as if I was running. It also gave me a chance to cheer on the runners and they were making it to the finish line. It really makes a difference when someone is standing there and clapping as you are pushing to cross the finish line. Jack was awesome!!!! He was first to finish and set a PR!! Way to go JACK!! Jack has encouraged me since day 1 !!!! Jack really brings a POSITIVE attitude to camp and lots of HARD WORK!!!

My knee is feeling a lot better than last week and I pray that it stays this way. I think that ice and biofreeze is helping. YEA!!!!

See ya tonight!!!!


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The OLD Jo is Back at camp#5

I always find the first night back to camp a challenge. Last night was a bit different. It was a DOUBLE challenge. I will admit that I have been slacking and fell of the course. I could NOT even make my warm up lap. I should have known that when I went for a walk/jog on Sunday and could not make it around the track once. OMG!!! What did I do? I feel that I have let all of that hard work GO, but I AM BACK TO WORK HARDER than EVER!!!

I generally don't like partners exercises, but lets talk about the positive and not the negative. It made me strive to work harder, b/c I did not want to let my partner, Anatol, down. I was pushing through the burning arms as I was holding in the tears from the push ups. It allows you to get to know a new campers and bond with them during the session of HARD work, sweat and sometimes tears!!!

I am excited to be here and taking my journey day by day!

I must remember mind/matter!!! I want this and I have to work for it....it is not going to fall out of the sky. If it did then I would have ran and caught it already.....That would be one time that I would enjoy running...LOL

My family is recharged to exercise several nights a week. Diamond is EXCITED!! She will be walking 2 night a week, Hip Hop dance on Tuesday then of course PE at school twice a week. I am going to maintain her diet at home and we are going take our lifestyle to the TOP!! My mom has lost over 100lbs and says that she was feeling better when she was walking and doing some exercises that I showed her at home. In fact, on Sunday she even jogged 100 meters.

Thanks to EVERYONE for your SUPPORT!!! Let the FUN BEGIN!!!!!!

Jo is BACK!!!!