Monday, February 8, 2010

Bowling Social and Start of Week #6 @ Grant Park

I had so much fun at the bowling social on Saturday. I can say that we ALL clean up very nice...LOL!!! Diamond and I had SOOO much FUN! Oh yea...... I must brag a bit.....I BEAT BWAA!!!! That was my highlight that I was able to beat my trainer. He motivates me more and more each week. I can honestly see why campers start and never stop. The 6pm trainers @ GRANT PARK are the BEST...HAND DOWN!!!!! It was a GREAT way to spend time on Saturday with my FitWit family away from camp. I am so GRATEFUL to have so many supporters that are encouraging me along this journey.

Diamond REALLY enjoyed herself! She wanted to come with me to camp tonight(Monday) when my mom was running late to get her. She talked in the car about how she had fun and that everyone was nice. See even my 6 yrs old can tell that I work out with a GREAT group!!! THANKS FITWIT! She was asking 500 questions about what we do each night. When we move outside, my mother will be walking the track with Diamond and she will be able to see all the fun that we have. We should have a family workout session.

At church on Sunday we had Women's fellowship after service for about an hour. We discussed making visual boards. I am excited about making one and placing it where I can see it each day. It will help me to stay on track and see what I am striving for each day. I was able to share with them some of my milestone that I have made so far. I was proud to tell them about the "Kristie" and how my time decreased. I also shared with them my quote that keeps me going. "Make and Effort and Not an Excuse".

We are in week #6 and we all have made progress. I was able to jog the entire lap tonight. I realize that I just have to fine a pace and stick to it. I had FUN tonight and I was able to do ALL 17 touch drill for the first time. I have done the drill in the past but never 17. I think that the highest was 10. It took me 2.21 but I WAS ABLE TO DO IT! I was the last person, but it felt good to be able to do it. The whole class cheered me on and I was on my last few touches. Just a few short weeks, I could barely do a sit-ups and tonight, I was able to do all 20 non stop. I only made it through one round. My right knee is starting to bother me just a bit, but I am still pushing myself and not making an excuse. I was afraid of team exercises/partner, because I felt that my members/partner would get upset for me moving a bit slower than them, but that is out of my mind. My team members/partners are supportive and have never been rude or got upset with me. I look forward to coming each night. I haven't missed a night and strive to be 100% until the end. When you are passionate about something you will do what it takes.........I am so passionate about getting in better shape and living a healthy life that I will do what it takes........I am grateful that Josh had a contest and the voters that voted for me that allowed me to have this opportunity. I strive HARD to make sure that I am doing my part....This is a life changing experience for me and I LOVIN' IT!!!


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