Well, well, well. We meet again, Victoria. And this time... I ROCKED you! HA!
All bragging aside, the Victoria was no nicer the second time around. It was a struggle to the end, but I pushed myself as hard as I could go throughout the whole thing. I still had to sub some things, no squat jumps, those were regular squats and the 1-leg squats were subbed with lunges.
I was huffing and puffing by the end of the first round. And sweating like nobody's business, but I still had energy. Those dips, though. They kill me every time. My upper body seriously needs some work. I'm really going to try to concentrate on that next camp. Maybe bigger weights will help me support some of this weight I'm lugging around.
Here's the breakdown of the mysterious and difficult Victoria:
Round 1 -
Run 9 laps (1200 meters)
20 dips
20 1-leg squats
20 pushups
20 squat jumps
20 shoulder press (seated w/kb)
Round 2 -
Run 6 laps (800 meters)
30 dips
30 1-leg squats
30 pushups
30 squat jumps
30 shoulder press (seated w/kb)
Round 3 -
Run 3 laps (400 meters)
40 dips
40 1-leg squats
40 pushups
40 squat jumps
40 shoulder press (seated w/kb)
See? It's no joke. My laps were a little shorter based on the fact that I'm still not up to jogging yet. I did a 5/3/1 on my laps. That's my next goal for the upcoming camp, jogging and upper body strength.
The last time I did the Victoria, was Jan. 11th. My time was 37 minutes for a whopping two rounds. Two. That's it. And I can tell you, it was a struggle to get to the end of those two rounds.
This time, the new and improved Victoria time was ALL THREE ROUNDS in 38:40. I went a little past the 37 minute time limit, but I finished. I finished and for the first two rounds, I used a heavier weight on my shoulder presses.
Victoria, Victoria. You will always be a challenge, but I can't wait to meet you again.
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