I was wondering when we'd get around to repeating some of the timed workouts. Kristie was the first to come around, and I'm happy to say, I didn't mind it.
It's not an easy workout, I tell you. The breakdown is below.
4 rounds – “Kristie”
400m run (3 laps)
50 Lunges (total)
30 Wall Ball
20 KB Squat High Pull
15 Rows
10 Push-up Burpees
Newbies do 2 laps around track, 30 lunges, 20 wall ball, 15 SHP, 10 rows and 5 burpees
Of course, I did the newbies rounds. (Which was nothing to sneeze at, either.) This time it was different for me. I could really feel the difference in my body. I could feel the ease of some of the exercises and on others, I could notice the difference in how far down I could go, or move up on the weight being pulled. It's amazing how after just 5 weeks I can feel my body responding and changing. I'll be honest, I thought I wouldn't feel comfortable at some of these exercises until the end of this journey. I really did. The KB Squat High Pulls, I thought those would elude me forever. Zipping up the front with a weight when you've got boobs in the way, it just doesn't flow well. But this time, I was going like a champ. It got easier to do them. I even managed to get all 15 in a row without stopping. At the beginning of camp, there's no way I could have done it. Even my lunges have gotten better. Barely, but they've gotten better. I still go slow, but I can get further down and I can feel less tension in my knee. And wall ball. Oh, wall ball. You're one of my favorite. Don't tell the others. There is nothing like taking that shoving it up the wall as hard as you can. Yours arms are quaking by the end of the reps, but it feels so good. You can let your anger and irritation with whatever just go with that ball right up the wall.
The rows are still tough for me. It's gotten a little easier, but my upper body strength is still in the garbage. My legs are nice and strong now, but my arms just can't hold my weight. Which is strange since I had an easier time of it before I starting to lose weight with FitWit. I know what I want to work on for next camp though, ARMS!
All in all, it was a great workout. As the time ticked down, I begged Stacy to let me go to 40 minutes. I knew what my time was before and I wanted to beat it so badly. I wanted to say I got better. I wanted to be better! I'm down to the last two exercises and I'm hearing some folks finish, but there's more that have time to go. I'll be able to finish. I'm gonna beat that time. Stacy told me she'd let me finish, I'd just skip the cool-down if I needed to. I took it and ran. I got down the lunges and I'm going slow, but I'm keeping form. That's when you want to keep good form. It's when it counts, when you're exhausted and you want nothing more to do but to rush through and finish. I managed to finish and run over to the rows. These are still so hard. I have to break them up. 5 and 5, and the last five always are so hard to get through. Jose gets next to me, and ever the awesome cheerleader tells me to go when I'm ready. So, I go and we're counting them off. I got through the first five, but I'm pouring sweat and I want to lay down and stop. 5 more. That's it, just 5 more. I managed to get them out, I felt my hands slipping at the end, but I got five more and I slam myself back to the floor. Last exercise, the very last... burpees. Mine are still modified, but I'm going to do them and I'm going to finish. The next to last burpee my hand slips but I held on, and soon enough, I jump up after 5 and yell time! I did it!
Stacy gives me my time: 35:47. I did it! I finished. I didn't need the 40 minutes. Not only that. My old time? 42:07. That's right, I shaved almost 7 minutes off my time.
Now I feel like a true FitWit-er. We always say we're competing against ourselves. This time, I truly felt that. I came, I conquered and I beat my old time.
Amazing what the body can do in five short weeks.. Just think what you can achieve in six months. Keep up the hard work.. I look forward to your next post..