Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Day 2 @ Grant Park

Today was my 2nd day and it was more intense than day #1. My body is SORE and it took me a few moments to get into the car. I worked HARD tonight. Honestly, after the warm up I was tired. We went at a must FASTER pace than last night. The warm up seems much harder today than yesterday. The encouragement was still there and I like cheering for others and it helps me when I know that they are pushing me to work hard and cheering me on. We did the 17 touch drill and I completed mine in 2.35. The entire camp was cheering for me as I finished ALL 17. Below is the workout that was set for today.

5 Stations (5 min. station) 1 min. rest between stations
Band Ladders – Bicep curls 30 reps, Tricep kick backs 20 reps, Side Raises 10 reps, 5 burpees Med ball throws against wall – non-stop with a variety of throws
Ab Circuit/Plank series
KB Station – 1. One leg swan dives – 10 each leg 2. 20 shoulder presses
Cone shuttles/suicide drills

Trust me 5 mins seems like LONG time when you are working out! When we get to 90 secs before it end they announce it....that 90 secs seems like 5 mins itself! It feels like the clock stopped for a min or two then started back. LOL!!! We have to give that last 90 secs our ALL.

The hardest part for me was working on my abs. It felt like someone holding my legs down while I was trying to lift them. I could feel muscle in my stomach contracting that I did not know that I had. The vet that was beside me was very encouraging. As I was talking to myself she was reinforcing it! I am in the process of learning names, so give me a few weeks.
I have set 5 goals for myself for the next 6 weeks. I just wanted to share, so that I will push to achieve these goals by the end of my first 6 weeks.

1. Take the word "CAN'T" out of my vocabulary
2. Perfect attendance
3. Jog the entire warm up
3. Be able to do a burpee and regular push-ups
4. Use correct formats
5. Work hard and push myself

Prior to camp was a little bit harder for me prior to camp. My daughter was sick and I was home. So, I found myself wanting to snack. So, I packed my lunch and only ate what was in there as if I was at work. That was a bit helpful. I am currently a member of Weight Watchers and I tracked(wrote down everything that I ate) the entire day. I stayed within my points. I am proud of myself for increasing my water. I am almost at 8 glasses a day. It is my goal my next week to be at 8 glasses or more by next week. My family has given up soda (diet) for the New Year. We are drinking Crystal Light(limit amount) but mainly water. I have planned meals an increased our vegetables. I must be doing something right, my boyfriend lost 2 pounds this week and he is not working out. I think that I might be excited about a weigh this week since I am on the right. Eating healthy and FitWit! If you want to know how much I lost then you must check back and follow me on my journey.........



  1. Great first two days.. It will get harder and it will get easier. I love that you posted your goals for all of us to see. I/we will all help you achieve them. I won't be at class tonight but I look forward to seeing you tomorrow for your one week celebration. Keep up the good work
    6:00pm trainer.

  2. I missed you in class on day 3, but you made up for it on day 4. I am learning to jump rope all over again. Thanks again for your support!
