Saturday, January 9, 2010

"Me Time"

Well, part of the day was all about me. I started off at my weekly Weight Watchers meeting. I was a bit upset with my weigh in, but I did lose 1.8 pounds. I was hoping for a larger number. I did stay on track this week and wrote down everything that I ate and planned my meals. For the past week months, I have been at a plateau on losing and gained 2 pounds from November to December. I am realizing that I am back on track and in the right direction with my weight loss.

I took my braids out and got my hair done. It has been a while since I've got my hair done, because it was braided. My stylist and several others gave me complaints on my weight loss and I have the pleasure of telling them about FitWit. I am in the process of going from permed hair to natural hair. Several other clients were doing other local boot camps and I was able to tell why FitWit was different. I have a consultation to get my hair locked next week. I am excited! My hair is straight now, but that will change as I may be a different story after Monday night....LOL! I am not worried about how my hair will look, but working hard!

I took the day off and planning to do my homework after church. I am no longer sore and I guess that is a good thing.


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