Josh gave us our first homework assignment.
Workout: 5 rounds for time of the following:
10 push-ups
10 sit-ups
10 squats
We had to record out time and I completed mine in about 7 1/2 mins. I am still doing my push-ups against the wall, but I am working on doing them on the floor. My family was there cheering me on and they joined in with me. It seems that I am able to do my sits-up faster and working on my format for my squat. I am going to check with Josh to make sure that I am getting low enough. I took pictures of us having fun! My daughter was having fun doing sit-ups and then danced to several up beats songs. My mother has lost about 70 pounds was doing push-ups against the wall and really started to feel it burn in her arms. She is limited with exercise due to a back injury several years ago. I was able to show her several things that I learned and we had FUN doing them together. I just realized that exercise doesn't have to be boring and you can make it fun. My daughter, Diamond, was excited about dancing and did not realize that she was exercising and the more that I cheered her on the more she wanted to dance. My boyfriend, Ian, challenged me with several exercises that he wanted me to do. He works in a federal prison and showing me things that the inmates do often.
I ended up doing my homework several times today. My mom was recording my time and I think that she made a mistake, b/c my time was a bit lower than others. I did again and it was about 1 1/2 mins off. I also did the assignment doing my push-ups on the floor and was able to do it in about 9 1/2 mins. I am going to check with one of the trainers to make sure that my format it correct with my push ups. I want to make sure that they are correct.
The pictures were taken from my BB so they are a bit fuzzy b/c of the motion......Enjoy!....I have prepare for tomorrow, but will post a blog after camp tomorrow night.
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