Thursday, November 11, 2010

Come on JO!!!! Don't STOP!!!! (Words from Josh)

I just realized that I have been doing FitWit for almost a year. A year that has changed my life and helped me in more ways than one. Camp is still a challenge and each session bring me a new battle to conquer! Even though, I work HARD....I really get joy in knowing that I was able to make it through another session. The hardest part in getting there and once I am there then 1/2 of the battle is over. Diamond has been sick and I was home with her and I could NOT get MOTIVATED to get moving. I had a plan each day and that day came and went! I went back to camp on Tuesday and the workout was at Grant Park. We ran around the park in the dark and stopped and did various workouts with the bands. Josh really pushed me and would NOT take NO for an answer and he has to give me that little bit extra that I needed. I was just thinking MIND/MATTER!!!!!!! I left the workout and felt empowered! Josh is going to review my diet with me so that I can get these 50-75lbs that I want off! I am stuck and can't get below this range....UGH!! I must be there in by the summer!! So I have 7 months to get it together!!! I have a deadline.............I have started my food logs again and joined Weight Watchers, so we will see what happens. I just have to make sure that I make healthy choices, because one bad choice leads to another.

I think that blogging help, so you will see more post! I PROMISE!!!


Monday, October 18, 2010

I needed support and........

I feel off again and it took me a few weeks to get back up. I stop coming to FitWit while I was dealing with my knee and foot issues(still having problem) and that was a BIG mistake! I realized that I needed to come and they would find modification for me and that still needed to get my workouts in. Easier said than done, but after a million threatening emails from Josh and Amy(just kidding). I got my butt back up and recommitted to finishing my journey. Josh sent me my winning FitWit essay and all I could do is cry!!! The people on the Marta bus thought that I was crazy or something. It it hit home and all of those emotions came back and I knew that I was the one to make the change. I came back to camp the next day(10/16) and it was ROUGH!!! We had a partner workout and Talley was a GREAT!!! I pushed hard and wanted to carry my load of the workout. I thought that I was going to die a few times, but I am still here! I left and felt EMPOWERED!!! Later that night, I wasn't able to move and still sore! I left like it was my very first week of camp.

I had my highest weight gain since I join FitWit his past week. I cried the entire way to pick up Diamond. I was mad and angry at myself for gaining and knowing that it takes a LONG time to get it back off. I am pushing hard and have developed a plan for this week and those unwanted pounds will be back off my 10/31! I had to give Ian a pep talk and told him that I need more support at home. My Sorority sister, Jennifer, joined WW with me and she lost over 6 pounds last week. She has been there to support me and gave me many kind words as we sat in WW on Sunday. We are going to push each other to make our goals and keep each other on track.

The excuses are OVER and I'm ready to WORK hard again! Sorry for letting my family down...


Friday, October 1, 2010

Its hard not to Judge!!!

Well, I joined Weight Watchers back and I realize that I was doing well on the program and I needed to start back. I attended my first meeting on Sunday and felt empowered to finish this journey. This lady sat beside me and looked perfect size and introduced herself. I was thinking to myself....WHY IS SHE HERE? She is fine and doesn't need to lose any weight. I did not realize that I was judging her until, I was sitting home on Wednesday with Ian's cousin and we were talking about weight loss. I record the Biggest Loser and generally watch it a day later. He mention that he HATES the SHOW and that these people need to get over it!!! I was offended! Keep in mind that he is 6'3 and weighs about 180 and can get anything that doesn't eat him first and not gain a pound. He has NEVER dealt with a weight issue. I realized that it HARD to feel the pain of someone if you have never thought about the issue that they are facing. I have a box of tissues, because I cry during every show, because I have been in many of the situations that the contestants face and they feel like they are at the end of the road. I realize that staying healthy doesn't come overnight and its something that you have to work at everyday. I realized that I judged someone and others might to the same about me. I realize that once I get to my goal, I am going to have to work twice as hard to keep it. We all should have goals that we strive to achieve and many of us can reach those goals w/o the help of others. I realize that this journey, I need help and that is why I am here at FitWit to help me!

I have been dealing with my knee and foot issue, but after my dr appt, I am going to remain positive and keep striving. There are going to be nights that I am going to push through the PAIN b/c I WANT IT MORE THAN ANYTHING!!!!! I am closer to my goal than 6 months ago, a month ago.....even a day ago. I have an image that I want and careless about what the scale says. I am LEARNING TO LOVE ME!!!! more and more each day! I have grown a lot but still there is more to do. I am EXCITED ALL OVER AGAIN!!!!

I will be back at CAMP on MONDAY and I have to make it these last 2 weeks. I have been walking at home on the nights that I have missed camp, but dealing with my knee and foot has been a minor set back.

Jo has not given up and WILL NOT GIVE UP!!!!



Tuesday, September 21, 2010


FitWit is GREAT!!! I have been dealing with issues with my knee and scheduled to see the orthopedic next week. The trainers modified the workouts so that I can still workout and not put stress on my knee. Last night was the 1 mile and then we moved from 4 or 5 stations that were sat up(like the wheel). Even though, I was not able to run, Lindsay still gave me a work with the kettle bells and I was still huffing and puffing as if I was running. It also gave me a chance to cheer on the runners and they were making it to the finish line. It really makes a difference when someone is standing there and clapping as you are pushing to cross the finish line. Jack was awesome!!!! He was first to finish and set a PR!! Way to go JACK!! Jack has encouraged me since day 1 !!!! Jack really brings a POSITIVE attitude to camp and lots of HARD WORK!!!

My knee is feeling a lot better than last week and I pray that it stays this way. I think that ice and biofreeze is helping. YEA!!!!

See ya tonight!!!!


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The OLD Jo is Back at camp#5

I always find the first night back to camp a challenge. Last night was a bit different. It was a DOUBLE challenge. I will admit that I have been slacking and fell of the course. I could NOT even make my warm up lap. I should have known that when I went for a walk/jog on Sunday and could not make it around the track once. OMG!!! What did I do? I feel that I have let all of that hard work GO, but I AM BACK TO WORK HARDER than EVER!!!

I generally don't like partners exercises, but lets talk about the positive and not the negative. It made me strive to work harder, b/c I did not want to let my partner, Anatol, down. I was pushing through the burning arms as I was holding in the tears from the push ups. It allows you to get to know a new campers and bond with them during the session of HARD work, sweat and sometimes tears!!!

I am excited to be here and taking my journey day by day!

I must remember mind/matter!!! I want this and I have to work for is not going to fall out of the sky. If it did then I would have ran and caught it already.....That would be one time that I would enjoy running...LOL

My family is recharged to exercise several nights a week. Diamond is EXCITED!! She will be walking 2 night a week, Hip Hop dance on Tuesday then of course PE at school twice a week. I am going to maintain her diet at home and we are going take our lifestyle to the TOP!! My mom has lost over 100lbs and says that she was feeling better when she was walking and doing some exercises that I showed her at home. In fact, on Sunday she even jogged 100 meters.

Thanks to EVERYONE for your SUPPORT!!! Let the FUN BEGIN!!!!!!

Jo is BACK!!!!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Family can get you OFF COURSE......

I took a detour and not I am back on course. For the past two weeks, I have had house guest from the Virgin Islands and it has been a difficult time for me to keep up with my fitness goals, entertain, work and be a mother. I have had many challenges with getting to camp! Next week, I am challenging myself to make it 100%! I had some challenges earlier in camp due to the heat, but it seems to be getting cooler. I haven't gained or lost any weight that camp and that STINKS!!! I have been more aware about what I have eaten since Ian's Aunt has cooked dinner EVERY NIGHT! I had to make sure that I monitored the quantity of certain items that she prepared. She likes to cook and bake. The one thing is I am proud that I did not splurge on candy. His Aunt has a sweet tooth and brought candy, chips, cookies ice cream......ALL of the things that I need to stay away from. I told myself from the beginning that it was a TEST and I must PASS! I will admit that I had a taste here and there, but it wasn't like my past. I would get a spoon of ice cream and not a bowl or get the smallest cookie that was baked.

I am ready to get back to work!!!! So many little things have changed for me and I realize that fitness is going to be apart of my life until the Good Lord calls me HOME!! When others don't value something that you are doing or working toward then it is easy to stray away. It was HARD trying to balance out everything, but I have learned and there are few things that I would do differently next time. The most important thing would be coming to camp. I should have made the sacrifice to come in the morning, so I would have had the entire evening open or suggest that they visit when I have a week off. My life had to revolve about fitness for me, because if not then I will go back to habits that I had before.


Friday, August 13, 2010

Jo is Struggling in Grant Park

I am REALLY STRUGGLING this CAMP! The HEAT has got me BEAT!!! I have missed several 4 sessions in 3 weeks, but 2 were beyond my control. It is hard to breathe and my body just can't adjust to the heat! I was talking with Lindsay and Bwaa last night and telling them I should have taken this camp off! The sun has me drained and I fell that I can't move or do the things that I was able to do before. I can't even run my warm up lap now! I am still pushing and trying to work hard, but I'm in SLOW MOTION. It takes me twice as long to do a workout that I should be doing with a breeze. Each night when I leave camp, I SMELL the fitness and I STINK!!!

I must say that other campers are REALLY encouraging me and pushing me along the way!!



Saturday, July 24, 2010

I GOT MY LIFE BACK................

I submitted an essay and won a contest that gave me 4 FREE sessions of FitWit. I posted my essay in January if you would like to read it. At that point, I know that I needed something to help me continue the journey that I was on. I am grateful to have WON the contest and feel that they have given me what I needed and I have done what was asked of me.

When making a life change it can be overwhelming. You don't know what to expect and at times anxiety sets in and makes you uncomfortable. I was there in January. I remember that I was EXCITED and NERVOUS at the SAME TIME! When I got the email stating that WON, I was like YES and then said....what in the world have I gotten myself into. Many thoughts were going though my mind and fear started to set in. I was nervous that I wasn't going to be able to do anything with others and they would make fun of me or judge me by the lack of ability due to my weight. I knew that I was going to be the heaviest person. I started to reflect about my "bring a friend to camp" with Megan a few weeks earlier. I could not even climb my steps when I got home or roll over in bed. I was SORE! I had to redirect those thoughts and put positive ones in place. When it comes to fitness then "MIND/MATTER" is IMPORTANT! I can tell you that from experience. When you line up your mind and push then you will be able to do things that you thought that could not have been done. My first week of camp was TOUGH, but as the weeks went by my body was adjusting to the workouts. Not saying that it was easy, but I was starting to WIN the BATTLE that I have been trying to FIGHT for all my life. I learned not to compare myself to the next person and just focus on what "Jo" could do. Josh and the other trainers were there to support and push me along the way. They modified things for me and encourage me when I was feeling that I wasn't going to make it to the end. I can remember a time that Josh was there through my tears and pushed me when I was close to the end or when the ENTIRE camp was cheering when I was completing my 17 touch drill or finishing my first timed mile. Words can not express the feeling that I have inside NOW and when you are doing things that you thought were impossible. The LITTLE things that no one else things of unless you have struggled with being overweight ALL of your LIFE. Now, I can walk up three flight of steps, walk to lunch with my co-workers, get on an airplane and fit into the bathroom and to know that I am striving to see my daughter grow up and be there every walk of the way and ALL without STRESS and WORRY!!

FITWIT HAS GIVEN ME MY LIFE BACK!!!!! It is my GOAL to encourage my family and friends to GET THEIR LIFE BACK! God has given you a "temple" and you need to take care of it. I just had a Sorority sister to have a heart attack and she is maybe 30 years old. I am EXCITED to say that my cousin, Trish, has changed her life and on the journey with me. She is the camper that I invited and she left during the middle of class. She sees the results that I have gotten from FitWit and says that I can't leave her and she has to joined me. My waist has changed over 12 inches!!! My body had RESHAPED and I am LOVING ME!!!!

I have lost between 60-65lbs and going to continue this journey until I reach my long term goal. I have become apart of a family(FitWit) that cares about me and knows my desires. Just remember that a lifestyle change is a two way street. I have to do my part by making healthy choices, because FitWit gives me what I need during that hour. Diet+ Exercise = Healthy life.

If you are feeling like you CAN'T then it possible that you wont. CHANGE those THOUGHT and KNOW THAT YOU CAN DO IT!!!

JOIN ME and get YOUR LIFE BACK!!!!!!



Friday, July 23, 2010

Think FitWit is OVER.....THINK AGAIN! LOOK...

Do you think that I would STOP FITWIT NOW? No, I have come TOOOOO far to let it go. Just look at the pictures and SEE for yourself.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

I'm Camper of the Week!

OMG!!! I can't believe that I got camper of the week again. Week # 5 was tough and I put my heart and soul into the workout on last Friday. Joe was my partner and it was a TOUGH workout! All I remember is plunging down on my mat while Josh was talking and about to introduce the camper of the week and then he said my NAME! I was like Me! OMG!!! I know that I struggle a bit during the week. The heat has me moving in SLOW motion.

I am PROUD to be camper of the week and continue on the journey that I started!


Thursday, July 1, 2010

I started my 31st BIRTHDAY with FitWit in Grant Park!!

On Friday, June 25th, I started my 31st birthday with FitWit! I was a GREAT feeling to be able to do something that I have previous not done or thought that it was important to do. Many of my friends told me that I should have taken the day was MY BIRTHDAY, but I know that I needed to get a workout in, because you know that I LOVE CAKE!!! I had dinner plans at No Mas Cantina and I knew that I was going to have chips and salsa, cheese, chips and salsa, fajitas, and maybe a drink.......I wanted all the things that I normally don't eat because it was MY BIRTHDAY! I must say in the end that I MADE SOME GREAT CHOICES and had a half of a drink. I gave up alcohol when I started my journey in January 2009, because of ALL the CALORIES!!! Well, I think that the workout from that morning made me REALLY think about my choice.........I DON'T know what the HELL Josh was thinking when he came up with that workout!!!!!!!! Chillllle, I thought that I was going to be the last birthday I would celebrate. Now, if you know me then you know that I HATE TO RUN!!!! We did our warm up as usually and then they break us up into groups based on our running levels and I was with the MIGHTY TURTLES! We had to run over to the Boys and Girls club(a bit over a mile) then complete a workout THEN RUN BACK! Well, by the time I was able to reach the Boys and Girls club, I was sweating and tired, not to mention that I had just left camp 12 hours ago since I am a normal 6pm camper. As I started running down the never ending steps, lunges across the field and back up those steps. It seemed like they were never ending ALL THE WAY BACK UP! I thought we were going to take the steps back to Maynard Jackson...WRONG!!! Guess again! We had to do the jog ALL the way back.
Of course, I was the last one to finish, but I made it! It doesn't bother me that I am the last one. I just look at the positive things and keep moving. I am there TRYING and doing what it takes to get in shape and to LIVE for my family. I beat myself up at times, and get upset when I don't hit a goal my a given time, but I realize that it takes time to get in shape and drop weight and I should be proud to have dropped over 60lbs.

On bring a friend to camp really made me realize that it doesn't matter your size to determine your fitness level. There were many friends that were half my size and could not make it through the complete workout. Josh and I had a talk and he told me that he was proud of me and brought it to my attention that I have come a LONG way! I know that the road is still long, but I am not at the starting line.

2010 has given me a NEW out look on LIFE and I am proud that my journey has not stopped!


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Burpees in SLOW motion!

Well, Friday was the end of week 3 and I had a challenge on my hands! Burpees.......I am doing my burpees but they are in SLOW MOTION! I would rather have then in SLOW MOTION than not to be able to do one at all. The first part is faster and the last part, after I hit the "deck"(aka the ground) then my body is stuck there and I generally takes me a few moments to pop up and get my hands up in the air to clap before I'm get ready to "hit the deck" again. "Hit the deck" is a term that Josh uses often.

Just week #1 I was not even close or trying to think about doing a burpee and NOW...I can do more than 5 in a row! Trust me FitWit is taking me to NEW LEVELS and I'm enjoying the ride, but it takes HARD work! NOTHING comes w/o a PRICE!!!


Saturday, June 12, 2010

It has been a while, but I'm BACK in Grant Park

Did you miss me? Well, I am back and ready to continue to blog about my experiences at FitWit. I must say that the past couple of weeks have been stressful and I had to roll with the punches. It was a test on many areas of my life and for once, I can say that I did not allow food to control or take over my emotions. I am true and staying focused on the path and journey that I have decided to take.

The first and second week of camp have come and gone. Where is time going?

The first week was like OMG! I think that my body was use to resting and then I put it back to work, I must stay that I needed the rest but I just had a first hard week.

Now, this past week was like OMG times 2! I was sore this week and really worked hard. On Friday, we worked out at Grant Park. I missed a night of camp and was depressed. Ian, my boyfriend, was at the ER and I was there with him. Thank God that he is fine and it was an eye opener for him. I get to Grant Park on Friday and Josh tells me that it was the timed mile. I wanted to CRY! I was not wanting to do the mile in the park and Grant Park workouts are HARD!!! It was HOT and it felt like 100 degrees and the wind was not blowing. I was sweating after 1 min of the warm up. Well, it took me 16 mins to run a mile and I think that it was HARDER the last part because it was mainly up hill. I felt like I had nothing else left in me after that. I managed to finish up doing core work with Amy and about 6 other campers.

I am trying to learn to just get negative thoughts out of my mind when I hear the word "run" or any form. I think that once those thoughts set in then it is all downhill. I am challenging myself to run a mile for homework this week and time myself. I am going to do it around my neighborhood, so that I will have some up and down hills. I will post the results in my next blog.

Thanks you all for the support that you have given me on this journey.


Friday, May 28, 2010

Walking Downtown is a BREEZE!!!

I have been working downtown for 4 years. When I first started, we had some type of luncheon that we talked to about 6-8 blocks away. I remember that I was huffing and puffing and struggling to keep up with my unit. I was breathing hard and just thought that I was never going to do that again. I remember not being able to talk when they were asking me questions, without feeling shaky tone in my voice from trying to breath and talk. THAT IS HISTORY! We went to lunch on Wednesday and I was able to keep up, in fact I was leading the way. I was even able to hold a conversation while walking. I wasn't out of breath, I wasn't feeling that I needed to take a break!



This week was my off week and I have taken advantage of it. I have been resting my knee and getting ready for camp. See ya TUESDAY!!!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Time for a recap since day 1 at Grant Park

Check back. Post coming soon. Thanks for reading my blog and taking this journey with me.


Ain't No Place Like Home

Can you believe that we just finished week 6?

On Thursday, I had the chance to work out at the Decatur camp, because I was training that afternoon in Decatur and only made sense to workout there. Decatur camp was a bit different from Grant Park. Michelle and JB were the trainers that lead the camp. The first difference was the size. Decatur was much smaller and gave an intimate setting. I think it was about 15(14 women and 1 man). The warm up of was about the same as Grant Park. We jogged 2 laps in from of the school, high knee marches, squats, jumping jacks, trunk twist, coffee grinders, over head slides(I think) and jumping jacks. JB(trainer) did most of the warm up with us as he encouraged! Generally, in Grant Park, I start my warm up lap a few mins before to end a bit before or with the group. I started at the same time and was less than 30 secs behind the group. A camper heard me talking to Michelle about starting a bit early and she said that I would be fine because they were not fast runners! She was right and I did feel a bit more comfortable with having others that were close to my fitness level. Now, of course there were a few that "Dawns' of the bunch" If you know Dawn Smith then you know who I am talking about! Smile Dawn, I LOVE YOU!!

The workout was broke up into 2 groups- Strength training (Kettle Bells) and Cardio workout.

I started with the Cardio work which consisted of 100 jump ropes, 15 squat jumps, 10 push ups with ball, 10 barrier jumps and 10 step ups each leg. I was able to get through 2 rounds in the allotted time. I think that we worked for 18 mins per group. The fitness levels varied in the camp and I was not too far behind the other campers. I was only secs compared to minutes in Grant Park. Grant Park is MORE intense. From the mouth of Josh and Bwaa, If you are able to talk during a workout then you are not working hard enough. The trainers were encouraging, but it was different Josh and Bwaa PUSHING me. I think that could have been because it was my first time meeting with them or working out with them on a regularly bases.

The kettle bell workout was good, because I need to work my "wings"(arms) as much as possible. Michelle was doing kettle bells exercise and offered valuable information as we worked out and talked. For this exercise we had partners and Tina was my partner. She was GREAT! and I must say that she pushed me several times throughout the night. Thanks TINA and you will LOOK GREAT when your wedding day comes!!!!

The stretch was GREAT! Michelle walked us through various exercises that were different than Grant Park and she was there to lend a helping hand when we were partnered on several exercises.

Overall, I must say that the workout went well and enjoyed experiencing a different camp that FitWit has to offer. I am a creature of habit so, ain't no place like home.

Decatur THANKS for the hospitality!!!!

Jo aka JCE

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Grant Park Smells like FITNESS

This week the HEAT is on and I SMELL the fitness in Grant Park. I was out of town in training for work on Monday and Tuesday was my first day back to working out in a few days. It wasn't as bad as I thought with me taking some days off. It was NOT in my best interest to take days off. Mother's Day weekend was GREAT and I ate TOOO much CAKE!! Yes, JO fell off the wagon for a few days and boy am I paying for it NOW. I have to work even HARDER to get those few extra pounds off. It takes a week to work off one and 2 mins to gain it! That is behind me and I am forwarding and realizing that we all make a few mistakes....I just need to learn from it and move on.

Thursday night in Grant Park was FUN(only if you see the smile on my face). I am still trying to get use to being at Grant Park and still struggle a bit to keep up with the group. I think that my problem starts when we go up hills and my pace seems to be VERY SLOW. I was pushing myself to stay somewhat close to the group but when we left the playground...I was FAR behind. I need to start jogging more and not just around the track. I need my body to get use to the going up and down hills and to keep pushing. Carla, has REALLY been a GREAT INSPIRATION to me this camp and keeps me motivated. She was my partner on Thursday and Friday and we partner well together. I fell comfortable with her and she pushes me to keep moving. I still get a bit nervous when we are paired up and don't get the chance to pick. I just think that I am going to be with a VERY COMPETITIVE person and they will get upset if we are not the WINNERS or feel that I am not pulling my share. Josh really pushed me on Friday and it feels GOOD to know that someone really CARES.

I am really enjoying FITWIT and I can't believe that this camp is almost OVER!!! Week 6 ....HERE we COME!!!


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Miss ME in Grant Park?

Sorry for not blogging last week....It was a busy week, but I will make it up. I was sick and then out of town for training.

I will have my weekly blog up this Saturday, so check back...............


Saturday, May 1, 2010

FitWit REALLY does WORKS!!!!

Let me tell ya....It really works! This month has been my best thus far. I had a short term goal to reach last month(April) and I did it. In fact, I am 3lbs below my goal. I am committed to working out and making healthier choices. FitWit is doing their part and I'm doing mine. So, if you are not getting the results that you want then take a look in the mirror and you will see the problem. A few changes that I made in April and will continue them. I started to make sure that I ate breakfast even if I was not hungry, mid morning snack(fruit), big lunch, small dinner and generally a another snack throughout the day. I tracked the food and exercise online and started to write in my journal about my feelings.

On Thursday nights, I attend a Christan weight loss class at church. I was SUPER EXCITED that I when I got on the scale. My total weight loss for April was over 12 pounds. I started my weight lost journey in January 2009 and it took me 1 yr to lose the weight that I have lost in 4 months of doing FitWit. WOW! 1 year vs 4 months..........I had an emotional moments because I can not believe my progress and all the sweat and tears to drop **lbs. I feel so much better about LIFE and MYSELF! I love to look in the mirror. I LOVE when I can fit smaller clothes or I put on something and have to use pins to hold it on me. I'm EXCITED about my trip to the Virgin Island this summer and getting new clothes. Everyday, I look in the mirror and talk to myself. It is important that I hear my goals and focus on achieving them. I started that this month and it has helped me to stay accountable. I say how grateful to have this opportunity that FitWit gave me and I must work hard to show them that I REALLY APPRECIATE it! I WON and I want them to proud to say....look what FitWit can do for YOU! Accountability is the key! Exercise is IMPORTANT to weight loss....I feel that they go hand and hand and you can't have one without the other. If I would have started FitWit last year then I would have been at my goal weight today! I would have been toning and gaining muscle through the process. FitWit is like a family! I am learning not to let food control my life and my emotions and the results from emotionally eating. Jennifer, my sorority sister, has really helped me to take the time and realized choices that I wanted to make and for me to rethink on a few things. I feel that we are encouraging each other and have many common interest on this journey. I was giving her a pep talk when she was feeling down about gain a pound and she has worked out hard for 5 days and tracked her food. I remember what Bwaa told me, Jo you are GAINING MUSCLE and forget about that #$%^ scale! I told her the same thing. I remember all the little things that the trainers had said to me and use it to encourage others. I just want to be a "light" to someone else and know that I have been there and they are able to get past ANY stumbling block.

Well, I have a CRAZY goal that I am trying to reach my June 25th, my birthday!!!!! I was talking with Bwaa and he said that I am going to have to give up something. Well, my goal is dairy products. So, after night the dairy products will be fading from my life. Can I do it? Sure I can! Check back and I will blog about my progress and let you know any ups and downs that I a facing.

Oh yea! Wanna know how much weight that I have lost? Do you know my current age? If so, then times it by 2 and you will get my total weight loss. If you have been following my blog, it will be a piece of cake! I meant fruit!!!!!!(Its a joke...LAUGH!!!!)

JCE aka Jo

Monday, April 26, 2010

Decatur: Things I have done this camp.

It's only the beginning of Week Three in this camp, but I already have some pretty good accomplishments under my belt.

1. I did toe push-ups. That's right. Toe. Push-ups. No more knees for me, I'm going all the way.

2. I am no longer the 15lb kettlebell user. I'm a 30lb. That's right. 30lbs. I am a badass. I'll be ready for that 35 lbs one in no time.

3. I can hit the floor on my squats now. All the way down. It may be slow, but I can get down there and up. (And do it all over again.)

4. I can go for 45 seconds straight on sit-ups without stopping to breathe. It took me three camps, but I can finally hold my core long enough to go unbroken.

5. I'm no longer a red medicine ball user. I'm going for black, baby. That's right, 12 lbs. on the throws, and 15 lbs on the lifts.

It may not seem like much, but it's further than I ever thought I would get when I started FitWit back in January. I'll post more pictures, soon. The changes are happening fast. I'm doing my best to stick with the Paleo diet as closely as possible. I can't wait to see what the changes will be at the end of this camp. Maybe another four jean sizes, yeah?

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Tough Week in Grant Park

This week was a tough week for me and Friday was not a FUN FRIDAY!! I almost had a mental cleansing aka melt down to get me through the Mary Mary. I need someone to tell me about Mary! What camp did she attend? Still with FitWit? Mary, I would love to meet you since I've met Ruth and Victoria. Hopefully, at the end of camp I will be able to defeat you instead of you getting the best of me.........

Mary, Mary Quite Contrary:

50 Overhead bar lunge steps – 25 down, 25 back
50 Overhead bar squats or hands behind head squats
25 Dips
15 push-up burpees (I did a few burpees and then 15 push-ups and 15 jumping jacks for the modification)
3 rounds and then finish with an 800 m run.

I was able to complete 2 rounds and jogged about 300m and sped walk the rest of the 800m. This week has been a BUSY week for me with work, volunteering at my daughters school and preparing for a 8th Annual King and Queen program for the visually impaired. I've helped them to get various things together for the program today(Saturday) and will be the narrator for program. They have truly inspired me and I feel that I should not complain about the simple things and ALL the things that I take for granted. I have gotten my focus and drive back and know that I have to work hard despite feeling tired. I just feel burnt out! Keeping positive thoughts are the main thing that helps me to get through a workout. I think that my positive thoughts were fading my the second and Lindsey was there trying to keep me motivate. THANKS CHICA! I just felt like my fitness level from this week was lower than any other week at FitWit.

I am doing my homework this afternoon and will continue my 5 workout sessions per week. I am still striving to meet my short term goal and want to have it done my the end of the week.

Well, we are almost 1/2 way through the camp and I wonder what week 3 will bring.....I guess that we have to wait and see.

Have a Great Day and THANKS for taking the TIME to read MY BLOG!!!


Friday, April 23, 2010

My stupid @#$#%&*! ankle!

I'm trying really hard not to be disappointed in myself this week. I've been doing great moving up in the weight intervals. I'm able to endure more, and actually focus on my form. Those are good things. But this blasted ankle still will not let me jog, run, jump or walk even remotely fast. Every time I think I have enough to keep going, I get those sharp pains on the top of the ankle and I have to slow down.

It's infuriating!

During that first camp, I would've jumped at the chance to slow it down and do easier exercises. Now that I've been at it for a while, it's driving me up the wall to not go all the way! Stacy and JB are sympathetic and won't let me do a lot of the exercises that will make it flare up. I really hate having this injury! I still have the energy to keep going, but not the physical ability.

Just the other day it was the 2 mile run exercise. I was really excited to be able to do this again and compare my times. The last time I attempted this, I got around the route once for a time of around 15 minutes. I was itching to beat it this time 'round.

We all gathered at the front of the high school and off we went. I got two steps in and a sharp pain went right from the middle of my ankle straight up through my calf. DAMMIT! Nooooooo! And there went my ankle. I hobbled the entire lap around. I got to the halfway time and Jen told me my time. 8:06. There was no way to beat my old time with a huge hill coming up and limping. I was crestfallen. I gimped the whole way to the finish line. I was crying by the time I got there. Some was from pain, but mostly it was disappointment. The workout was to go twice around. I could barely get once. And my time? Well, it was a horrid 16 minutes. Gah. Not good. Stacy told me to catch my breath and get to work on some kettle bells. I wasn't even going to attempt the second lap. But, I still had the energy! I had barely broken a sweat (compared to the last time where I was soaked halfway through). I was ready to go. My ankle however, was not. Even attempting to do the kettle bell work it was yelling at me. I had to go to a lighter weight and kibosh some of the exercises that had me put all my weight on my ankle.

I'm ready to move up. I want to go go go! I don't want to be last. I'm finally getting the weight off, and I want to keep pushing. But ankle says no. Ankle is a jerk. You hear me, fix yourself or we're gonna have problems!

I know I can't bully my ankle into healing. It does make me feel better, though. I really thought I was going to kill this camp and do some amazing things. Now, it's just going to be a struggle to maintain with this injury.

Stacy's been really good about encouraging me and letting me know what subs are equal to the running/jumping exercises. But it doesn't quite make up for not being able to keep up with the rest of the camp.

So, fine. I'll sit. And be still. And keep off my ankle. I'll always wear shoes with support (okay, *most* of the time). And I'll take care of myself so I can come back full force.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Decatur: Mary, Mary; Why ya buggin?

It's not often our named workouts actually have the person they are named after in our camp. It was a real treat yesterday to do the Mary, Mary while Mary was doing it right beside us. (By the way, Mary; you took all the comments with such grace. I don't know that my gestures to some of the complaints would have *just* been a hand wave. Just sayin'.)

All that being said, the Mary Mary was no pony ride. That workout was real work and it is now up there with the Victoria for me. I seem to gravitate to the workouts that have a long list of things to do. I really enjoy getting through that task list.

Here's what Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary looked like:
For time:
3 rounds of the following:
50 1-arm overhead lunge steps (25 each arm)
50 overhead squats or prisoner squats
25 dips
15 pushup burpees
After three rounds, finish w/800m run

*Newbie version = no bars

I'm sad to say, that the squats I had to do newbie style with no bars. I tried, but it just didn't feel right, even using just the 9 lbs bar. I just can't hold that kind of weight on my knees yet. I'll get there, just Tuesday was not that day. I also had to sub the weighted lunges for some supermans. But rest assured, Stacy was NOT letting me off easy. I had to do 100 of those suckers to take the place of the lunges. (Surprisingly, that took a lot of time for me to get through. I now have a new exercise to practice in front of the tv.) But here's the best part, I did pushup burpees. I was still on my knees for the pushups, and I had to do a little bunny hop to get my feet back to my hands at the end, but I did them! I was really proud of myself for those. I didn't give up and just switch to regular burpees like Stacy said we could. I wanted to keep going and I did.

I've also started to try something different when it comes to timed workouts. I set myself a goal, one I think I can hit and I go for that rather than focus on "finishing" the workout. Some of those I just know I can't do in the allotted time. I want to focus more on getting form right, increasing weight and getting a good quality workout. I'm really trying to get my mindset out of this have to finish or I failed rut. I set myself up to fail that way and it makes it hard to get happy about boot camp when I do that.

I set my goal at 2.5 rounds and let it go at that. I may have taken longer to get there, but I met my goal and managed to get keep my form for the whole workout.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

I LOST 4lbs in Grant Park!

I lost 4lbs and I FEEL GREAT! I am SOOOO close to at short term goal that I am taste it! Less than 4lbs and then I really will be JUMPING for JOY! It will be by the end of the month as long keep working. I think that I lost those 4 lbs at the Grant Park workout on Thursday. That hour was the LONGEST hour! Mary Tipton was my partner and a newbie. I am her mentor for this camp. I started off jump roping while Mary Tipton held the medicine ball overhead and went up the steps, lunged and then came back down the stairs. Then together we put our backs almost together and passed the medicine ball from side to side. Then to sit-ups and passed the medicine ball b/w our legs. It was my turn to go up the steps and lunge while she jumped rope. We repeated that several time. Like to run? Well, we ran UP HILL and around the corner to the pavilion. Guess what? I was not the last one! YEA!!! So we get to the pavilion and we are the show for several by standers that are watching us...There was our moment of FAME!! They watched us as we worked out butts off doing dips, abs rocks and step ups. I think that Becka was getting enjoyed as we were dipping sweat. My eyes were burning as the sweat was dripping from head. Then...... Guess what? .........Yep, you guessed right! Running again....UP a HILL then DOWN then UP then DOWN! I was breathing SO shirt was soak and wet and I thought that my body was just going to give out on me. I was huffing and puffing......then I notice that a newbie, Tremaine(sp) was my frat brother. OMG! I told him that I did not know that he was my frat(I'm a Zeta). We belong to the the ONLY constitutional bond brother and sister organization. OK! back to me huffing and puffing and walking in circles with sweat burning my eyes. Then squats holds...Josh was counting so that you know the 10 secs were really 30+.......guess what?.......running....again.....UP the HILL then DOWN the HILL. Mary Tipton did squats while I was running UP the HILL and back DOWN. Then she ran UP the HILL and DOWN.....I just knew that it was 6:55 and it was time to stretch when we going back to the start point. So we are running back and a camper asked Josh who came up this the workout....He said that it was me on one of those late nights with the baby. Erin, Please let him skip those late night diaper changes! I am only kidding. Think twice!..That is what I get for thinking during a FitWit workout. Amy always says to never THINK just WORK! One partner had to go back up the steps and down while the other one did push ups. Think we were done?...NO! Of course not back to sit-ups and passing the medicine ball. Mary Tipton and I ROCKED! We had a heavy ball at one point that we started to drop, so we created our own modification and gave HIGH 5's when we sat up......Then the time finally came and it was time to stretch....the moment that I was waiting for............I think that I dropped those 4lbs in that workout session since I weigh about an hour later. If that workout would bring those results then I vote to do it 3x per week for the rest of the camp....LOL!!!!

By the way, Banana relays are not for me when you are doing jumping jacks and banana is flying everywhere....banana and sisterlocks don't match.....Josh was teasing me about my sisterlocks and we could not mess them up.....See Josh knows me well. I really enjoyed the banana relay and my team was last place, but 6pm campers SAVED THE BEST FOR LAST!!! Way to go Mary Tipton, and Sue!

Off to week #2!


Friday, April 16, 2010

Decatur: End of Week 1.

Whew! What a great first week. I thought I was taking it easy, but my body says differently. Maybe it's the switch to an all morning camp, maybe it's that I'm really trying to focus on form and weight. Either way, I am sore! I haven't been this sore since the beginning!

This camp I really wanted to focus on increasing the weights that I'm using and not focusing on the counts so much. I had that chance today with the Gimme 10 AMRAP workout. Unfortunately, it's also the very first time I've had to cut out of a FitWit session early. (Silly meetings, don't they know I have fitness to do!?)

Here's the breakdown:
“Gimme 10”
20-min AMRAP
Run 100m (50m shuttle run forward and back)
10 clapping pushups (15 if on knees) (newbies do regular pushups)
10 broad jumps
10 rows
10 KB 1-arm Thrusters (5 each arm)

3-man team game (exerciser-runner-rester)
Runner to 40 total mtn climbers
Exercises on white board for team to complete – 100 sit-ups, 100 superman, 50 burpees

Because of said cutting out early, I did not get to the 3-man team part, but I did manage to get 3.1 rounds of Gimme 10. I actually got some air on the clapping pushups, too. No clap, but I did get off the group. (By the way, those suckers are hard on your wrists if you come down too hard. I have to learn some control on those. Maybe it's time for a Wednesday practice session.)

My ankle is still giving me some serious trouble since last camp when I fell on it. It's just not strong enough to handle jumps and sometimes even power walking will trigger it. I've got to be better about taking care of it and keeping it rested. It's very frustrating to not be able to have the full range of movement on it.

So, week one is complete and now we get to move to the tough workouts. I've got an awesome crew at 7am and I'm looking forward to getting fit with them!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Decatur: Week 1, Rocking out with the Noobs.

7am camp, I am ready for you! I was so excited that Decatur was able to branch out and offer this new time for the FitWitters. This will be a camp time that I can stick to no matter what the husband's schedule calls for. No more 12 hour turnarounds, or bouncing back and forth. My poor body just couldn't take night time workouts and then an early morning one.

So, I got the chance to start all over with this 7am. With so many newbies, I chose to stay in with them and re-learn some of the basics. As my body is changing, so is my form. This was the perfect opportunity to teach my body how to do some of FitWit's basics exercises.

I'm noticing a vast improvement in these exercises now. With squats, I can get all the way down to the crate below me and pop right back up with little effort. It still takes me a second to remember to point my toes, but a quick nettle in the knee sure fixes that. The pushups are still going strong, but I'd really like to be able to do at least one or two regular ones. I can get down, but not back up. I'll get there, but it's going to take some more work. Situps are slowly getting better. I can dig my heels in now and really stay rooted, where it used to take JB or a partner standing on my feet to keep me rooted. I guess after all that work, my core is actually starting to get stronger.

The second day we got to work with the weights. This was actually the newbie instruction I was looking for. I wanted to really push myself more with the weight training and increase my pound increments. I feel like I've been coasting, I haven't felt the results like I did from that first camp. That was my body signaling it's time to move up in weight.

I tried out the 25 lb kettlebell from some swings and squat high pulls. The swings felt great, I really could feel my lower back getting strong. The high pulls were definitely a little harder. My forearms were burning when I pulled it all the way up to my chin, but after one or two it got a little easier. I was feeling pretty good about my form. That trick that Jose taught me from first camp holds true. Look straight ahead and you'll keep your back straight.

We moved onto the medicine balls and body rows from here. Two of my favorite exercises. I can't tell you how therapeutic slam balls are in the morning. Really. Nothing phases you after that. All your aggression, irritation, annoyance... whatever, it's all gone after you smack that ball to the ground over and over again. I moved up a little on the weights for those balls as well. I tried it with the 12 lb and was pleasantly surprised at the ease of using it. I'd almost expected it to be more difficult, but in fact I got my wall balls higher than ever before. It did take me a little longer to find the rhythm for the slam balls though. They're a tad bigger, and I have small hands. I just couldn't get the hold of that ball to save my soul. Once I figured out where to place my hands, I got to rep them out.

Body rows. I have no idea why I even like these. They give me blisters, for goodness sake. But there's something awesome about pulling yourself up to that bar and actually hitting it. I've always gotten close, but not quite. JB let me get up there and rock 'em out like a rockstar. I hit the bar over and over again. I got ooohs and aaaaahs from the newbies. I told them if my fat butt could do it, there's no reason for they can't either. Just takes a little practice.

I'd like to think that I showed them that anyone can do it, no matter what their body type may be. All it takes is a little practice and some hard work.

BURPEES in Grant Park

Camp #3 has started and the first night back was............HELL! My body did not want to move. Even though I was active during my break......but I was not ready for the heat was pounding down and the pollen was flying into my eyes....I realize that contacts and pollen are not friends..LOL

Tuesday night, I met a goal that I set at the beginning of the year...I think. I wanted to be able to do burpees. Well, the time has come and I am able to do burpees. They are a bit in slow motion, but I can do them. I did 10 of them on Tuesday night and Victoria was there to count all 10. I remember that I was afraid of "Victoria" and realize that she is not bad after all....the same way with the burpees. I can manage them and will stride to get a bit faster.

I have a NEW LEVEL of ENERGY that I am going to push HARD! My soror, Jennifer, and I are pushing each other and I don't want to let her down and know that I have to work to get to the end. I have goals that are set and have a short time to make it happen.

To get something that you never had, you have to do something you never did.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Break is almost OVER in Grant Park

Well, my week off is almost over. I have enjoyed my break, but I really miss camp. I have been active this week and doing more than I did on my last break. I know that I have not burned or even came close to the amount of calories that I would burn during a FitWit session. It is much harder to do a FitWit exercise on my own. I have been walking this week and watching what I am eating.

My sorority sister, Jennifer, and I have teamed up to give each other support as we continue our journey of weight loss and becoming healthier. I wanted to start the next camp in a different weight range of number and I have been struggling with wanting to eat sweets. I know that if I want to reach this goal then I don't need be eating cookies, cakes, ice get the picture. So, Jenn and I are gave up sweets for 2 weeks and limiting the amount thereafter. We are holding each other accountable for decisions that we make on our eating choices. I will admit that I almost became a victim of a chocolate molten cake from Chilli's but I was STRONG with the help of Jenn! I sent Jenn a picture message and she replied back and gave me that extra push that I needed. Thanks Jenn!

Diamond went to work with me over her spring break from school. She really enjoys coming into the office to preform her job as the paper shredder and putting away the mail. Well, one day we were in my office doing some school work. A co worker came by with some homemade cookies that looked to be soft and chewy. She asked if we wanted one not knowing that we gave up sweets. Diamond was the first to say NO THANKS!!! I was going to allow her to have one, but she wanted to be like her mommy and go without having one. I gave Diamond a hug and told her that I was proud of her for making a healthier decision and then offered her some fruit. She was just fine and did not think anymore about those cookies........until the extras were sitting on the conference room table the next day and she had to pass by them when going to the bathroom. She was telling Jenn about the cookies and describing them.....just from me listening, I thought that I was taking a bite...LOL! Diamond is doing a GREAT job on her journey and HELPS me when I am about to make a decision that could be better. Thanks Moo-moo!(her nickname)

Goals for next camp
-Do my homework and that will allow me to workout 5 days instead of 4 days
-Increase my intake of water
-Perfect attendance again(I have only missed 2 day since I started in Jan and the night I missed was due to the snow and not being able to leave my house)
-Work and push hard each camp session
-Give more words of encouragement/cheer for other camper(It really helps when someone is cheering you on and pushing you when you think that you can't do something. I need to return more to other campers)
-Log EVERYTHING that I eat for 6wks and journal my personal feelings

I am ready for the next camp.........Let the FUN BEGIN!!!!


Friday, April 9, 2010

Decatur: End of Camp 2 and Week Off.

I can't believe it's time for camp 2 to be over already. What a wild ride. I made a deal with myself that I wouldn't shop again until camp 2 was over so I could see how far I'd come. But we'll get to that later.

First.... end of camp workout! I had to finish out this camp with the morning crew and let's just say the last workout was one I definitely hadn't done before. Much like the last camp, we finished out with a friendly game. This camp, oh it was a game alright. But it wasn't nearly as friendly. It was tag. Tag with flag football flags around our waists. Two flags ripped off, and you're on the sidelines doing 20 burpees before you can get back in the game.

I realized two very, very important things during our last workout/game.
1. I am NOT ready for the zombie apocalypse. Not at all. I couldn't run to save my life. (Guess what's my goal for camp number three?) I spent more time on the sidelines than anyone else. I have got to learn how to run.

2. I suck at tag. I just don't have the reflexes to grab a flag as someone runs by me. I also discovered that I played the sacrificial lamb a lot. I was sent out to get tagged early while everyone ran behind me to get the flags. (Not a bad strategy, overall.)

In the end, it was how many folks you had on the field at the end of time that won you the tag winner title. And surprise, surprise, it was my team that one. (Once I figured out how to skirt the sidelines so that anyone running at me went out of bounds. See? Slow people can be good at tag, too!) All in all, it was a great workout with lots of movement, but it was super fun, too. For a moment there, you almost forgot you were watching fully grown adults on that football field. I'm pretty sure we had just as much fun as any group of kids.

With the game of tag being over, it signaled the beginning of the wondrous week off. I was really looking forward to some down time on this break. (Last break was spent at home with a kid with pneumonia. No fun.) Unfortunately, that wasn't to be, either. It was a busy, stressful week at work, and I was never so glad to see Monday fast approaching.

But I did manage to get in some shopping before it was time to get back to the work of fitness. I didn't go down any more pant sizes. (So so close, but not quite.) However, this *was* my camp to work on my arms. And what do you know...? I went down an entire shirt size. I'm the very smallest size that plus size has in shirts. That made that whole stressful week off worth it!

So now it's time to get back to work. Decatur has a brand new 7am camp that I get to start out with on Monday. I'm so excited to get back to working out. I really hated that I couldn't find time to fit it in while I was on break. With the new time slot, I'll be able to spend time at night with my family and make us all wonderful dinners that fit into Ben's nutrition plan, too.

I have a feeling, this camp 3 is going to be magical. Just wait and see.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Decatur: The Marnggie: Redux.

Wow, it's almost the end of the second camp already! This six weeks just flew by. Since it's that last week of camp, it's time for some Redux Exercises. We had the run just last week, which unfortunately, due to my ankle injury I didn't get to participate in. And of course, we had TABATA again. TABATA had some interesting results the second time around. I really went up at least two to three reps per exercise *except* for the push-ups. I don't know if it was a bad day, or just lack of use on my arms, but I maintained the same number as before. (A whopping 12 for those of you that may wonder.)

But this week, on the next to last day of camp, it was the Marnggie that came to visit. As I've said before, workouts with names tend to be the toughest, and this one was no exception. The first time we saw this, it was in week three. That lovely mid-point. I was gaining strong and really able to put through the most I could. I got to three rounds and was extremely pleased with myself. This time, I can't say the same.

I don't know if it was the cold that my tiny terror brought to me from daycare, or the switch the the morning camp that day, or if it wasn't in the cards for me. I just barely got through two and half rounds. And I do mean barely. That was even shortening the lap distance for me. I just couldn't get it together. I was so disappointed by the time we got down to the end. Stacy is calling out 15 minutes left, 10 minutes, 60 seconds. I swear I got slower every time I heard a number and then the word left!

As Stacy was coming around asking for rounds, she told me something valuable. She said that not every time improves. Sometimes it's just not happening and it's okay. It doesn't mean you've ran aground, it just means it was not one of the ones you had an improved time on. And I have to agree with her. I felt better when she said that. I knew I wasn't at my best, but I really wanted to slay this workout today.

Today wasn't the day I improved my time. But I got through it, and I had a great time doing it. I've always said I enjoy the heck out of my morning visits. You really have to appreciate people that make working out before the sun even rises a good time to be had by all.

And to paraphrase one of the most entertaining morning campers (Mouse, I'm talkin' to you), "I do more before 7am than you do all day."

Monday, March 29, 2010

Hanging with Dr Ruth in Grant Park

Thursday was MY NIGHT!!!! It was time to hook up with Dr Ruth again. Prior to camp, I went back and read the modification were to "Ruth".
100 lunge steps
40 push-ups w/overhead claps
200 single jumps
25 mountain climbers each leg
25 jumping jacks
20 wall balls
400m run

It took me almost 38 mins to do this workout and I did not even finish a complete round. I did 10 out of 10 wallballs and 200m jog. I was determined that I was going to make it through one round and I DID! My goal was to do it in under 35 mins. The clock started and I started lunging across the field and not thinking about what I was going just counting. Then I moved to those burning push-ups and claps as my hands were getting heavier and heavier each round. Josh walked around and was pushing me HARD! IT WAS JUST WHAT I NEEDED!!! Jump problem! When I started FitWit, I would not jump rope at all. I remember the days that Trevor taking out time to show me when we were are Dance 411. That is not the case now! I was able to do more than 20 jumps without stopping. Josh was there in my ear once again and pushing me...........Another campers, we encouraging me and told me that I was doing a GREAT! It seems like 200 jump ropes went in now time. My arms were a bit sore from the push ups but I was thinking that I just had to get finished and bet my 35 min goal. Then I moved on to wallballs. I was able to do 9 in a row with perfect form without stopping. I was on a roll and there was NO STOPPING ME! I finished up the last 11 so that I could move on to jogging. Since I only complete one lap last time, I thought that I was only doing one, but Josh wanted 2 yep 800 m. He got 2 laps and my finishing time was 32.08! DID YOU HEAR ME 32.08!!!!!!!!! I was about to cry when I heard that number. I couldn't believe that I cut more than 5 mins off. I was even able to start a 2nd round. I didn't count my lunges but I know that I did more than 30. When I got in my car, I called my mom and was crying from the joy that I was feeling. So, I can say that Dr. Ruth and I can be friend and I can hang with her anytime. I am proud of myself and will tell anyone that FitWit WORKS!!

At the beginning of the year, I could not do a fraction of the things that I am able to do now. Yes, it takes HARD WORK, but I am doing it. It is something that I have a passion to do and that I am EXCITED to do. I have my moments that I want to give up, but I'm not a failure. I have succeed in many things that others told me that I would not make it. I have worked hard to get where I am today. When others say that I couldn't do something it just makes me work harder. When I got pregnant with my daughter, many would say that I would not finish school and that I could not achieve my dreams. They would tell me how hard it would be and did not offer encouragement. My mother, Karen aka "Ammi" pushed me and would encourage me as well as listen to those tears when I wanted to give up. She helped me stay on track and made sure that I had the support that I needed. Just like FitWit is giving me on my fitness journey. Well, I am here to tell you that if you want something bad enough then you will work for it. I had many late night as a single mother, full time student and worker. I wanted to finished my degree and did what I had to do. Social life? What social life? My social life stopped for a bit, because I was focused on doing that I needed to do. Try balancing those 3 things.......I finished my BS in Criminal Justice with Honors and have a MBA. I didn't get these degrees because they were given to me. I WORKED HARD and made scarifies on things in my life. So, when it comes to fitness, I know that I can do it! When I look back and realize all the things that I have accomplished then it makes me PROUD to be ME!! I would not change me or my life for the world. Just remember that HARD WORK will pay off in the END!!!!!

There are many people are afraid to take the steps to get into shape and life a healthier lifestyle. Don't be afraid of what others say or think. Just set short term goals ans strive to reach each of them. Make times, others will not encourage you because they want you to stay just like them. Life if here for you to enjoy it and expiring new things Just remember that you have to start somewhere and if you are considering joining FitWit then know that you have the support of many campers and ME!

Thanks for reading my blog!!!


Saturday, March 27, 2010

You think Jo is going to workout in the RAIN....

What happens when it rains at FitWit? If you want to know, then keep reading........First, let me share this......have you ever went for a day or so without Internet or your Blackberry/iPhone. Well that was me this week. I dropped my Blackberry and it is "bootleg" and my home Internet went out until Comcast came out on Friday to fix it. I am going to start and blogs twice a week on Wednesday and Saturdays....well back to my blog........The weather was GREAT last Saturday and I got dressed up to attend a party of a friend that is visually impaired. I volunteer with a group of visually impaired adults in the Decatur chapter of the National Federation for the Visually Impaired. I was there at the social and many of the companions were telling me how I was changing and looking GREAT...Well, it was a chance to give me a reason to talk about FitWit! I was telling them how I won this contest and it has changed my life and ALL the fun times that we have each night. I told them about my homegirls Victoria and Ruth......I said that were best friends and we all laughed.........they were saying that I reminded them of the Biggest Loser show and all the crazy things that they do. Someone asked me if we inside or outside and I explained that we were inside but moving toward outside only. We joked about working out in the rain.....I was like...Me and the Rain are not friends. I will stay inside and let him stay outside.....and we laugh. Needless to say, Monday it was snowing and raining! I had in my mind that I was going to have a night off even though I need camp from eating that cake...Oh gosh! I told my secret. Yes, Jo had a piece of cake that melted in my mouth and was the best cake that I had in a long time. Now, I am thinking about that moist white cake topped with smooth icing....OK...OK....let me focus...On Monday, I got to camp at my normal time(5:30pm) and it was cold and raining...I know that we were going to be inside or cancelled. I parked in front of the gym and was waiting and waiting....I was like...OK! it is COLD and RAINING.....I know that we were not going to be outside. Well, 2mins later, I see Josh flying in the parking lot(this is normal) and I waited a bit more. I was thinking that he was going to go get the others so that we could move inside and get started...WRONG!! After, waiting and talking to myself....I was saying Josh has got to be CRAZY if he thinks that I am going to workout in this weather...It is RAINING and plus it is COLD. I have no gloves or hat. I drove down and got out of the car and was thinking....well, I will be here for a few mins and then we will leave due to the weather. A few campers came and left. I was thinking that I should just join them and take my butt home. I was standing there with my jacket and freezing. I did not prepared b/c I knew that I was going to be inside. Rain+Cold=Inside! So, I go up to Josh and said..."It is Raining..... are still gonna workout in this weather?" He was busy unpacking the equipment that we needed for that night. YES JO!!!! "We are going to do this" He was EXCITED and HAPPY!! I was thinking......Josh has lost his mind and he is sleep deprived from the baby and can't make a rational decision.....What is the hell is he thinking....He was like Jo we are about to do this! got your Sisterlocks and your hair is not going to mess up.........Lindsay was SURPRISED that Josh knew about Sisterlocks. Did I stay?

I did! It was NOT Burger King and I didn't have it my way.... I was a bit upset and did not want to be there. As I jogged around the track, I was dodging water puddles, and trying to stay dry from water on the track. Ugh! My hands were freezing and hurting when I was trying to do pull-ups on the bars. The ground was wet and cold and my feet kept slipping. Each round, my hands were getting stiffer and they hurt to move them at all. By the time, I ended the workout, you would have thought that I got into a fight with mud and lost the battle. I was dirty. I had my mat, but I was still wet from doing pull-ups and push ups. When doing push ups, I even got some dirt on my face from not being able to hold myself up. I guess that it is not difference as to when you go to the spa and get a mud facial.....I was getting a facial for free...the FitWit mask.....LOL!!!

I must admit that I did have a bit of a negative attitude because I just did not want to work out in the RAIN!!!............Just one of those day........

As I was driving to camp on Tuesday, Diamond was in the car and we were talking about me having my meltdown and she was laughing. She still thinks that it is funny that her mommy was crying at camp. She drifted off to sleep and I had a few moments of meditation........I thought to myself and could have been talking to myself.........FitWit really WANTS to HELP ME! They are committed to helping others to get in shape or for them to stay in shape. I felt really bad that I as negative the night before and getting mad at someone that is trying to help me. Josh has a srtong level of commitment to me and it is his job to push me and make me do things that I would have never done before....I MUST say THANKS!!! I felt bad for getting mad and upset and someone who is helping the end of the day.....he is Fit and in shape...I'm NOT!! but HE CARES!!. The trainers were in the rain just like me and they were still pushing us to reach our goals. They could have said were are going to cancel and then it would have given many of us chance to go home and climb on the couch and do nothing. I have changed my level of thinking about the rain......I tell myself that there is no difference than going to the pool or taking a shower. So, Jo have a new ATTITUDE about the rain and when rainy days come....just know that JO will be one of those campers out there until the end.

Josh, Thanks for your level of dedication that you have show to FitWit and I know you have a passion to help me and other to reach our fitness goal. FitWit has become my drug....and I gotta have it.!!!!! I owe you one! THANKS!!


Friday, March 26, 2010

Decatur: My first FitWit injury.


So, it finally happened. My very first FitWit injury. And it's not even a really good one. Somehow, I knew this was going to be the camp to do it, too. I've been stressing about it lately. There's been a lot of vets that have been sporting some good ones. Guess it was my turn this time.

It wasn't graceful. It wasn't in a burst of energy. It was doing weight lunges... on get this, the Decatur High School FIELD. Yep. Totally face-planted. Here's the best part. I had just started. I was on my second round of the card game of Friday's workout and I rolled my ankle and went down. Face full o' turf. That was me.

Stacy came over and helped me up. She asked if I could stand okay and walk. I put weight on it, and the answer was a nice hot streak of no! I had to sit down and watch my team compete in the card game. After about two minutes, I begged Stacy to get back in. I hated sitting on the sidelines watching everyone else work. She agreed if I promised to modify as I went along. Okay, okay. Just let me back in the game, coach. I gotta win!

I had to do some subs that I hadn't done in a while. No running, no jumping and definitely no lunging or burpees. Me and the kettlebell, we got to be really good friends this windy Friday morning. I decided to try out a bigger weight this morning. Since I wasn't running or jumping, I might as well try to work up to something. I picked up a nice 20 pounder and went away. I was surprised at the ease of working with it. I really thought I was going to struggle. I've been trying to work on the upper body strength more this camp and it looks like it's paying off. I might even be able to move up to a 25 pound KB next time.

We get to the end of the game, and I'm sad to say, our team lost by one card. Which, was totally not fair since they had Gimpy McGee on their team. We shoulda won. We powered through injury, man!

All joking aside, it was a great workout and I was totally bummed I had to be sidelined for even a little of it. I truly enjoy FitWit and I'm so excited to see all the changes in my body and my attitude toward exercise. It's incredible how far I've come in just 11 weeks. Week 12 starts on Monday and I can't wait for the assessments at the end. Maybe another pant size reduction is in store for me!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Decatur: Week 5, The Ruth.

You know when you see a name to the workout, it's going to be a tough one. And Monday night's did not disappoint. (I'm also beginning to think the shorter the name, the more work it will be!)

Here's the breakdown:
"The Ruth"
For time:
100 lunge steps
80 push-ups w/overhead claps (daily max pushups are built into workout - so campers should try to complete their # +1 before starting overhead claps)
60 double-unders (sub 300 singles)
40 burpees
20 wall balls
800m run (6 laps)

The first time we did this, I got to do newbie reps. Which were 40 pushups, 20 burpees and 5 laps. But this time... what a sucker I am, I went for the gold. I was so excited to get this one under my belt. I'd had great results with repeating the timed workouts and shaving time off, so I thought for sure I'd at least get to finish this beast.

I'll get back to that in a moment. I do have some small triumphs for this workout. Since taking off my ankle brace I've been able to do small jumps and get some jump rope in. The first time I did this workout, I had to sub sit ups for the jump rope. (Which really added to my time considering I absolutely suck at sit ups. After about 10 I slow down to a snail's pace.) This time around with Ruth, I got in ALL 300 SINGLE JUMP ROPES. I put that in all caps because it's really quite a feat. When I got to this first camp, I couldn't jump, lunge, jog or really do just about anything well. I'm not even done with my second camp and I can jump rope. I might not be as fast as the others, but the fact that I can even do it makes me proud. The other triumph I have to tell you is the fact that I managed to also do ALL 40 BURPEES. And not the walking burpees that I used to do. I did the full on jump down, jump up, stand up jump and clap burpees. I had to do them in reps of 10, but I got them all in there! I was so happy! That is quite possibly the most I've done in a single night yet.

But those small triumphs were short lived. I tried in vain to jog those 6 laps and had to break down into a speed walk halfway through the first lap. My shins were just not letting up. I'm pretty sure that they hadn't forgiven me for last week, much less all that jump rope. I was so sure I was going to finish The Ruth and move on to the second round of it like my FitWit counterparts, but it was not to be. I struggled on those laps and only managed to get 4 whole ones in before time was called.

I trudged to the mat to stretch and I can tell you honestly, I was pretty disappointed. I almost started crying right there on the mat. I wanted to finish so badly, I just can't possibly tell you enough. I really wanted to say that by the end of the second camp I could hold water with the rest of the vets. I'm just not there yet. And while I know that it's only ourselves we compete against, and I did do MUCH better on time and volume of exercises, I am still a little sad that I didn't make it to the finish of at least one round of Ruth.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

JCE thoughts about getting on the SCALE

I have determined that the scale is not my friend and I am staying away for a while. I have gotten upset with myself when I work hard and then I don't get the numbers that I expected. So, I have solved that problem and not getting on it for a while. Simple as that! The method that I am using is called the "try on smaller clothes" method. I have several pieces of clothing in my closet that I try on from time to time. Each week they fit a bit better. A church member, Sis. Terri, gave me some CUTE dresses! I tried on one the other night and my boyfriend, Ian, had to take a few pictures and told me that I must wear it on "Date Nite". "Date Nite" is when we get together with a group of friends and we have a group date. It is scheduled in a couple of weeks. I am EXCITED!!! We are going out with some friends that I have not seen in a while and they will be seeing the "New still improving Jo".

Trust me, I have found the cure to my madness on the scale.


Bring a Friend and Tour of Grant Park

Well, I invited several of my friends that they were not able to join me on Thursday. They MISSED a BLAST!!! I really enjoyed the workout and wish that we would do more. Hint! Hint!
The workout consisted of the "Wheel circuit" which included - Sandbag straight leg deadlift (one leg for vets), Wall Ball, Row/pull ups, barrier jumps, KB push press, jump rope for just 1 min each for 3 rounds. Now, if you have read any of my other blogs then you know that a 1 minute seems longer than that when you get to the 3rd round. It was non stop and I was able to move from one station to next(clockwise..LOL!). I started to struggle just a bit on my pulls ups because my arms were a bit tired, but I was able to hang in there. Then we moved on to do "Card Game". There were 3 cones that were set up and we started off my jogging to the last one, lunging to the next one, high knees to the next then high "A" skip to the last. Once we finished that we picked a card from the bucket and did what coincided with the broad, but we had to do twice the number.
Spade – burpees
Heart – push-ups
Diamond – squats
Club – sit-ups
For example, I picked a 6 of clubs, and I did 12 sit-ups, then 10 of diamond and I did 20 squats. It was a GREAT way to keep moving and to now think about what was coming next, because you didn't know until you picked a card. We did not have teams, but I was still pushing myself to do as many as I was able to do in the allowed time. I have noticed that I can't "think" when I am working out.....I just have to do it!

Friday was a GREAT day to have Tour of Grant Park! I'm not sure if physically I was ready for the tour, but I took it. It put me in a different environment and I was able to have several other challenges. There were more hills that slowed me down and a struggle to keep up with the group. The closer I got to them the farther away they were. When we started on the tour I behind, but Amy was there keeping me going. Toward the end I was dragging behind with 2 other campers and still Amy was right there with us. She gave me lots of word of encouragement and told me how good I was doing and looking. There were several dog walkers that said encouraging things as we worked out. I thought that it was nice for them to see that I was doing hard work and told me to keep it up. I am really enjoying being outside and don't look forward to being inside, especially when jogging in those hallways.

I can't believe that we are into week 5. Time is flying! I am holding on and enjoying every bit of it. I will admit that Friday was a bit harder for me to come. It was nice out and I had so many other things that I wanted to do.....but I realize that FitWit last for 1hour/60 mins and it will help me get to my goal and not going is NOT helping me to reach my goal and will keep me where I am. I am proud to say that I am 100% after 4 weeks and will be 100% this camp.......


Friday, March 19, 2010

Decatur: Bring a Friend Night.

So, all my Bring a Friend friends flaked out! That's right. I'm calling you ALL out. You flaked. Not even so much as a phone call. I mean, c'mon, if I can do it. Then my goodness, so can you "fit" people. Sheesh.

Alright, enough of the public humiliation. (For now.) It was in fact, Bring A Friend night, which means Week 4 is almost complete! Based on the last bring a friend workout, I have to say this one was no picnic. Not at all.

Here's the breakdown:
1. Wheel circuit (6 stations - 1 min/station - 3 rounds - 1 min. rest after one full round) - KB Squat High Pull, Wall Ball, Rows, Barrier Jumps, Jump Rope, Shoulder Press

2. 3-man team game
One person does plank, one exercises, one does circuit. Circuit = run to cone, complete 30 jumping jacks and run back to team
As a team, get through these exercises as fast as possible:
100 pushups
100 situps
100 squats
75 burpees

If that all sounds hard, it's because it is! The wheel circuit was something else. Being ambitious, I started out with the delightful body rows. What on earth was I thinking? The callouses had finally gone down on my hands, and I want put them right back! I decided to take the wall balls with a heavier weight than I normally use. I had good luck running around the track for the Pushup/Wall Ball challenge with the 12 pounder, so I took it to the wall. Um. Ow. What was I thinking?!? I can't believe I'm about to type this, but I was so damn glad to get to the jump rope! My arms were just noodles. I have to say this, I totally rocked on the jump rope. I was going like a champ, and I was even able to speed up. I almost went totally unbroken on the whole minute until I hit my shoe at the very end. So close! But, it's miles from the first camp when I couldn't jump at all. Next were barrier jumps, and while I couldn't quite jump over the cone, I could at least get side to side behind the cone. Not my brightest and best moment, but I did okay. I had to keep stopping, though. I would lose my breath and not be able to catch it. At one point, I actually started to get a little worried. My lungs were just burning! You know it's a killer workout when the shoulder presses are the easiest exercise in the whole thing. I was overjoyed to get to that one. Not only did it mean the last exercise, but I totally wussed out and took the lighter weight. I could do more and get faster. By the end of that minute, the backs of my arms were burning. After each round, Michelle is telling us that it's a 6 minute investment on getting fit and we're getting years back on our lives. I never really thought about it, but she's right. Every hard exercise we do, every time we push ourselves, we're adding those years back to our lives. We're getting healthy. It was a good feeling. Even though by the end of those three rounds I was ready to lay down for a week!

The game was definitely a fun way to end the Bring a Friend Day. Three to a team, pairing vets and newbies together. We had a good run, and I killed on some pushups. (Why on earth are those getting so easy. I even like the inverted ones! What's wrong with me!?) We came in second in the game, which was awesome. I even ran and did the jumping jacks.

It's amazing how much four weeks can make a difference. I approached this camp a little wary. I'd seen so much change from the first one, but I felt miles behind the other returning vets. I'm trying to choose a few things to work on for each camp. The first one was survival. Seriously. I have never worked that hard in my life. But I did do it, and I survived it. That right there, is a serious badge of courage. This second one, I wanted to work on my upper body strength and jumping. I hated having to ask for subs for the jumping exercises. Now, I might be a little slower, but I can do them. No ankle or knee brace necessary. But this camp does have one spot that's bothering me, I'm still struggling on running/jogging. It can be frustrating at times. I have to do fewer laps, or cut the route short to keep up with everyone. And you know what's silly, I'm just flat out scared of running. I have no idea how to conquer that. It's not so much a physical limitation as it is straight fear. Maybe that's what I work on for the next camp...

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

One LAP in the WIND at GRANT PARK!!!

I jogged my first lap tonight non stop!!!! I started off and made it to the 2oo meters and then I was thinking that I could push a little bit more then I was at the 300 and I was thinking that I made it this far....then I might as well take it to the END and I DID!!!! I jogged 400 meters and did not stop!!!!!!!!

I can check this goal off my list that I was able to accomplish and I will add another 100 meters to work on until the end of camp. I generally start jogging my warm up lap a few mins before the other campers. It allows me to set my pace and finish with the right before or along with the other campers.

If you are reading this blog and NOT apart of FitWit then I want you to know that you have to start someone........there are various levels of fitness and if you are scared to take the first step then you NEVER make it to the next level............Everyone has to start someone and I encourage you to join me on my journey or better yet.......start your own.......I have bad days and I have days that I crave things that I should have but I take one step at a time. For example, a co-worker brought in cookies to share. The more I passed by those cookies the more, I wanted them....they looked soft and chewy and I just wanted to take a bite. I had to realize.......should I eat just one..... they are not that big and one wont hurt........Thinking that one was not going to hurt got me to where I am today. I am working to change that and make better choices. I decided not to eat one.......if I was going to waste a cookie or two then I should waste it on some Girl Scout cookies.....LOL!!! My daughter sold GS cookies this year and the I was surrounded with cookies and I must say that I only ate 2 boxes in the course of a month or so and I shared those boxes with others.........I gave my EXTRA boxes to ________ and _______.......I am going to keep the secret and tell that I gave you "vitamins"....LMBO!!! This was a BIG step considering last year, I may eaten a box a day..............

I am GLAD to be apart of FitWit and it really is making a difference in my daughter is still teasing me about me "mental cleansing" on Friday night....she can't believe that HER MOMMY had a meltdown....LOL!! I love my Moo-Moo(Diamond)!!! Hats off to her for being Student of the Week!!!! She is loving dance and enjoying each class....HATS off to Dance 411!!!

I plan to bring 3 friends with me to camp on Thursday. One is from my church, my Soror from the best Sorority that was founded, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. ZzzzzzzzPhi!!! SoooooSweet!!! and my boyfriend, Ian, that ditched me on the last bring a friend day. Diamond and my mother, Karen, will be walking around the track to get a peek of the WONDROUS time that I have at FitWit!!!

I will be posting more pictures soon, so make sure that you stay tuned.

The BEST is YET to COME!!!!


Decatur: Fitwit Night One and FitWit, 10 weeks later.

Some folks have asked if I had some before and after photos. I do! I'll let you all be the judge. The second photo is the very first night of FitWit. The first, is about halfway through the second camp, or 10 weeks later.

As you can see, FitWit doesn't lie. There's some serious differences.

Decatur: The FitWit Sandwich. (Or Lettuce Wrap)

So we meet again, Sandwich. So we meet again. I have to say, I really love when I get the chance to repeat a workout. It really is satisfying to see where I've been and where I'm going to go. Tonight, it was the Sandwich. Or Wrap, if you go on newbie rep numbers. (Which, I did. Bless your soul, Michelle!)

Here's the breakdown:
FitWit Sandwich
Run 3 football field laps
150 squats
75 situps
50 pushups
25 wall burpees
50 pushups
75 situps
150 squats
Run 3 football field laps

FitWit Sandwich Light (newbies)
Run 2 football field laps
100 squats
50 situps
30 pushups
15 burpees
30 pushups
50 situps
100 squats
Run 2 football field laps

There was a slight modification, since we were inside. 5 laps around the track for the newbies, and 7 for the vets. I took the five and went for it. The last time I faced this workout, it took me damn near forever. I struggled through those squats. I even remember having to use the bar around the track to help with the squats. I struggled something awful. This time, I was bound and determined to get farther than I'd before. I was going to get as close to the end as possible.

I did end up going a little slower on the laps than I'd originally intended. After walking the zoo this weekend in bad shoes, I had the worst shin splint cramps than I'd had this whole camp. I felt like I was walking through molasses at the end. I was so darn happy to get to the squats I thought I was going to cry right then and there.

100 squats is nothing to laugh at, but I was going to make it through them. Once I had a couple of reps of 10 under my belt, my legs and knees loosened up and I was good to go to 20 in a set. I knocked them out as best as I could. (Using the wonderful trick Jose taught me. Look at a spot on the ceiling and don't take your eyes off of it. It keeps your back straight the whole time. Love it!) Squats, done! Off to the sit ups. Thanks to another wonderful trick, this time from Vanessa, I stuck my feet under the bar around the track and went to town. I never thought I'd see the day where I got all 50 situps and and not struggle at the end. I was even able to go fast once my feet were firmly under the bar. Pushups? No problem. I got this! (It's sad when pushups are the easiest part of the workout.) Here we go getting to that upper body strength I am so determined to improve. 30 of 'em, done.

Crap. Burpees. Damn burpees. There's no way for me not to look ridiculous doing burpees. There's just not. If my shirt isn't flipping up my back, the front is well, flopping around. But we don't come to FitWit to be modest. So, for all of you that happened to see the flab, I'm sorry, but I can't say it won't happen again. I decided that 2 sets of 10 and a set of 5 reps was doable. And I got down to it. Those last five were a bit of a struggle and my arms were starting to show the wear and tear from all the pushups. (We do a daily pushup number ever day, and add at least one more to our rep. I've gotten up to 36 unbroken.)

I'd gotten to the middle of the sandwich. It was downhill from here. Back to the pushups. 30 of 'em again. Now for the situps. Damn. Now my stomach muscles were starting to really hurt. I slowed down considerably from the first one. Sweat is pouring down into my eyes, but dammit, I have to keep going! The last ten were a struggle, but I'm almost there. I'm chanting to myself, five more. I can do five more.

Squats. 100 more squats. I can do this. Squats are my friend. They were my sub for just about everything jumping related my first camp. I can do them without thinking now. I have GOT to get these last 100 in before time is called. I'm okay with not getting to the laps. I want to get as much done as I can. I start out with sets of 20. One set, done. Two sets, done. I can do this. One more set and I'm up to 60. It's downhill from here. I can hear Michelle calling out time and we're getting down to the wire. Two more sets of 20 and I'm one whole sandwich part closer than I ever had been before. I slam out 20 more and I'm struggling so much. I almost fall over. Okay, too far down. I'll have to dial it back a little and really keep my toes up. I can do this. I get ten more in. Michelle yells out that there's thirty seconds left. I have to get out these last ten. I have to finish this part of the sandwich. My legs are screaming, my face is burning and dripping, but I'm going to finish. I get my last ten out and two seconds later Michelle says time's up! I did it! I got to everything but the last 5 laps! I went a whole exercise more than the last sandwich!

I was grinning ear to ear. I was so happy with myself. Exhausted, but happy. And to top it all off, I heard one of the best sentences as I was walking to my car. Michelle said, "Good work out there tonight, Anda."

Monday, March 15, 2010

Melt down in week 3 in Grant Park.....

On Friday, I had my first melt down. I completed the "Sandwich" on Thursday and I was still sore. Friday was my day to do wall balls and push ups. I got there at my normal time and it was raining.......and Josh was in a GREAT mood and RAIN or SHINE we were having camp OUTSIDE. The rain stopped about 5 mins before camp started which was GREAT. Thank God for my Sisterlocks and I was not worried about my hair...LOL!! We started our warm up lap around the parking lot and warmed up as usual. Then to the wall ball and push up challenge. Josh explained what we were doing and said that it will be INTENSE, but just think it will be over in about 15 mins or so. He encouraged us to work hard and get it over with and then we would be finished for the day......I was thinking COOL!! This is what I need 20 mins of HARD work and then I'll call it a day. Since I am doing push ups on my knees, I had to do 40 each round. The first round of wall balls were a breeze compared to later rounds. The sweat started to flow down my face and when I started doing the push ups it seemed like someone dumped a bucket of water on me. Sweat was running into my eyes and I wiped it away and kept working on getting them done. My arms were shaking and burning as I went down and tried to push myself back up. I was able to do about 100 push ups on my knees and then the last 50 or so were on the wall. A few times I even landed on my face and thought that I was not going to be able to move another inch. I even saw a worm that was inches away from me and all I could do was look at it.....any other time I would have jumped up and got away from it. I must admit that I am a scary cat.........back to the push ups. I was on the next to last set of push ups and I was doing them on the wall. Josh was right there cheering me on and keeping me motivated................
All of a sudden, I burst out in tears........I started to cry and cry and cry......Josh was there to keep me going.....He told me about another camper who cried that morning.........I asked him if I could stop and he told me that I come to far and that I was almost done and I needed to hang in tears were running down my face, I started to continue to do my push by one....until I reached 40 then another 10 on the wall ball and back to my last 40 push ups....I was doing them in sets of 5 and it was HURTING!! Those seconds were everlasting. All of a sudden it started rain. I finished my exercise and then I went over and cried more........... I think that I was in competition with the weather.....I was having my own thunderstorm.......I just can't believe that I had a MELT DOWN!!! I had a date with one of my Sorority Sisters and I planned to have dessert, but after that melt down and hard work....I decided to pass.

FitWit has turned on the HEAT this camp. This camp has been different and my body is showing me signs that I did not get last camp. I have stopped focusing on the weight and measuring my success by other things. I am fitting into smaller size clothing and using a belt to hold certain pants up. I want to see a lost at the end, but I am focused on an image and not a number.