Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Decatur: Week 1, Day 1.

Newbie status is over, now it's time to play with the big kids. And the big kids play hard. After a week off tending to the munchkin with pneumonia, the workout felt like a vacation and a punishment all at once. I was disappointed not to really get to work out during the break, but I still managed to come back strong. I did better than I thought I would. I got lower with my squats, I was able to do unbroken sets with my pushups, but still my situps need some work. I'm really wanting to concentrate on my arms and tummy this camp. I feel like they should be shrinking at the rate the rest of me is, but I'm not seeing it yet.

Here's what we did.
5 min jump rope - # is best set of consecutive jumps in a row
4 min. of squats - to crate or doesn't count
3 min. of situps
2 min. of pushups
1 min. touch drill - counting # of touches
1 min. of burpees

Then, partner band ladder to 10 (w/shakeups of 30 jumping jacks & 30 sec. squat holds)
Bicep curls
Shoulder press

5 minutes of jump rope doesn't sound so bad, does it? Talk to me when you're halfway in. It's a long time. A very long time. Although, I did manage to jog a bit on the touch drill and did real burpees for the whole one minute. And those shakeups, I held that squat so low I was damn proud of myself. I felt the burn. So, I managed to retain a bit of the conditioning from the previous camp.

I'm pretty excited to see where the next six weeks takes me. I'm a little nervous about losing that newbie status, but I know FitWit isn't going to make me do anything I can't handle. And really, after ending the last camp with a pair of jeans FOUR SIZES SMALLER, I can only imagine what vet status is going to do for me this time.

1 comment:

  1. Anda, We made it through the first camp and you are RIGHT the NEWBIE STATUS is OVER!!! The first night back was hard for me as well. I was not that active on the week off, but I was still watching what I ate. Five minutes of jump rope seemed like hours. I could not get over the number if 17 straight. I went from not being able to jump rope to doing 17 straight so I have made process in a short period of time.

    We will do fine losing the newbie status. Congrats on getting into jeans 4 sizes smaller. I have went down several sizes as well. We are going to look totally different at the end of out journey.

