Tuesday, February 2, 2010

FitWit 250......Not FitWit 500 @ Grant Park

FitWit 250 (2010 remix)
1 rounds = 250reps
50 Sit-up and double shoulder press - bars
50 Broad Jumps
50 1-arm KB Thrusters
50 Windshield Wipers (over and back is one)
50 Slam Balls

I know that you are thinking...FitWit 250...Yes, I was able to complete the FitWit 250 last night without any modification. It took me 40.05 to complete one round. I am excited and proud that I was able to do it. I think that I could have pushed myself a bit hard, but I caught myself starring out into space with I was doing my sit ups and double press. Josh quickly got me back to FitWit world and was able to push through into the end. During the workout, I talked to myself more last night than before. I had to keep telling myself that I could do it and counted the numbers down. Generally, I will count backwards and it helps me push to get to "0". I am glad that it was not raining outside b/c my windshield wipers(legs) were struggling to make it from one side to another. Stacy was next to me and her wipers were on high speed! She was rocking those windshield wipers out. She was like the Energizer bunny...she was going...and going and going! It seems at one point I had turned my body upside down from where I started.....not sure if anyone noticed or not...but HEY!...I was able to get them done. Slam balls are the way to take out any anger and frustration that you have going on. I was having a moment and was able to release it as I slammed that ball to the floor. The kettlebell thrusters had me moaning and grunting and I even found myself praying..... I realized that it is IMPORTANT to have a positive attitude when you are working out, because negative energy is hard to get rid of. I realize that this is a journey for me and I will have bad days and some good, but I MUST give it 100% even when I don't feel like it. It is only going to help me get to the next level and reach my goals that I am striving for. I have not missed a day and striving for perfect attendance.

I have changed a lot in the past 4 weeks. I notice that I am able to do things that I could not do before. I just gotta hang in there. My motto for the week is still " Make an EFFORT and NOT an EXCUSE". I got it from one of the poster that is posted in the hallway. I seem to look at it when I am jogging. Thanks to Justine for pointing it out to me. It helps me to stay focused on that I need to be doing.

See ya tonight!



  1. Go JoQuita! You are doing great and looking great! I agree with you about maintaining a positive attitude - it makes all the difference! And that's what I love about FitWit - the positive environment, people and encouragement. -- Justine

  2. Thanks! You are doing GREAT!!! Just think that we have come a LONG ways in 5 weeks of camp. I enjoy working out with you and GLAD that we are apart of the FitWit family. See ya tonight!
