Friday, March 26, 2010

Decatur: My first FitWit injury.


So, it finally happened. My very first FitWit injury. And it's not even a really good one. Somehow, I knew this was going to be the camp to do it, too. I've been stressing about it lately. There's been a lot of vets that have been sporting some good ones. Guess it was my turn this time.

It wasn't graceful. It wasn't in a burst of energy. It was doing weight lunges... on get this, the Decatur High School FIELD. Yep. Totally face-planted. Here's the best part. I had just started. I was on my second round of the card game of Friday's workout and I rolled my ankle and went down. Face full o' turf. That was me.

Stacy came over and helped me up. She asked if I could stand okay and walk. I put weight on it, and the answer was a nice hot streak of no! I had to sit down and watch my team compete in the card game. After about two minutes, I begged Stacy to get back in. I hated sitting on the sidelines watching everyone else work. She agreed if I promised to modify as I went along. Okay, okay. Just let me back in the game, coach. I gotta win!

I had to do some subs that I hadn't done in a while. No running, no jumping and definitely no lunging or burpees. Me and the kettlebell, we got to be really good friends this windy Friday morning. I decided to try out a bigger weight this morning. Since I wasn't running or jumping, I might as well try to work up to something. I picked up a nice 20 pounder and went away. I was surprised at the ease of working with it. I really thought I was going to struggle. I've been trying to work on the upper body strength more this camp and it looks like it's paying off. I might even be able to move up to a 25 pound KB next time.

We get to the end of the game, and I'm sad to say, our team lost by one card. Which, was totally not fair since they had Gimpy McGee on their team. We shoulda won. We powered through injury, man!

All joking aside, it was a great workout and I was totally bummed I had to be sidelined for even a little of it. I truly enjoy FitWit and I'm so excited to see all the changes in my body and my attitude toward exercise. It's incredible how far I've come in just 11 weeks. Week 12 starts on Monday and I can't wait for the assessments at the end. Maybe another pant size reduction is in store for me!

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