Saturday, March 20, 2010

JCE thoughts about getting on the SCALE

I have determined that the scale is not my friend and I am staying away for a while. I have gotten upset with myself when I work hard and then I don't get the numbers that I expected. So, I have solved that problem and not getting on it for a while. Simple as that! The method that I am using is called the "try on smaller clothes" method. I have several pieces of clothing in my closet that I try on from time to time. Each week they fit a bit better. A church member, Sis. Terri, gave me some CUTE dresses! I tried on one the other night and my boyfriend, Ian, had to take a few pictures and told me that I must wear it on "Date Nite". "Date Nite" is when we get together with a group of friends and we have a group date. It is scheduled in a couple of weeks. I am EXCITED!!! We are going out with some friends that I have not seen in a while and they will be seeing the "New still improving Jo".

Trust me, I have found the cure to my madness on the scale.



  1. Tell me about it! Me and the scale, we're not speaking. But my pants are fallowing down, and they're the new smaller size! Just chant in your head, muscle is heavier than fat and the scale is evil. Good job, Jo! Keep up the good work!

  2. Glad that you booted that stinking "evil" Scale to the curb!!

    You are going to blow them away on date night. Your progress may not seem that much but I bet your friends will notice!!

    I hate to dispel the myth that muscle weighs more than fat. But I think it's important to understand the facts. 16oz of muscle weighs the same as 16oz of fat. It's the volume that each take up that is the real factor. Think of a pound of lean beef (about the size of the average mans hand and approx 1" thick) vs a pound of marshmallows (Typical bag of marshmallows is about 4oz.) now stack four bags next to the pound of lean beef. That should give you a good visual of fat vs. muscle. :-)

    Love the post Jo, looking forward to the next one.
